Monday 19 October 2009

Visit to gyna @ 27wks+

Tdy i m having my gyna visit after work.. rush down to clinic after work.. told hubby to go home bring shawn along.. but b4 i reach clinic.. i got a call from them.. tellin my doc will only arrived at 7.30pm..

i reach clinic at 6.40pm.. register.. n was told there are abt 30++ ppl infront of me liao.. so ask me to go back first.. they will call me..

took LRT back.. meet hubby for dinner at Kofu.. then went back home to bath.. shawn was still so excited.. waiting to go kai kai.. hee..

decide to take LRT to Compasspoint.. so we slowly make our way there at 8pm.. the clinic call on the way.. but when i reach.. i was told must wait for another 20 mins.. so we went to look for bil.. chat a bit.. then went to the clinic n wait...

as usual.. the check up was very fast.. talk a while.. do the scan.. then b4 shawn get to c di di.. the scan was over liao.. hee... blur shawn still wondering wat i was asking.. when i ask him did he c di di.. only hug my tummy..n lift up my shirt to find my tummy n kiss di di..

My bb hero is 1292g now.. everything is fine.. bb head is below with leg is at my upper tummy.. hope he wont turn back le.. jus stay in this position..

i was telling hubby.. i scare i might have early labour this round.. cos i keep squat down to attend to shawn.. feed him.. play with him.. pee him etc.. n i keep having the mild contraction at lower tummy.. mayb i sld tell doc the next visit.. jus in case i might need some vendolin to stablise n delay labour.. jus pray he stay guai guai til at least 2010 jan ba.. hee


  1. I m suppose to visit Dr A on fri too but just in case I need to OT on fri, we change to tues. Luckily din go on fri, they called to ask me if I m going down on fri.

  2. wah very fast 27 weeks already..see ppl alway like so fast..haha
