Monday 19 October 2009

Our long wkend..

Sat 17Oct2009

Shawn wake up early as usual.. 7.45am.. as usual.. he brush teeth with mummy .. had his bf.. then hubby n i went bf at Old airport rd.. The usual wan tan mee we alway eat was closing.. so i have another stall wan tan mee while hubby had his kuay zai.. then we move to another stall to have my tan yuan..

after tat we went Ikea to buy the curtain bar to fix at the living room.. mil say the sun shine in n reflect at the tv.. no good for shawn to watch tv during the day lol..

went back.. hubby drill n fix at the living room when shawn n i hide inside our room.. eat his lunch n read his Big ABC book..

shawn had his nap til 2.30pm.. then he wana go kai kai le.. but hubby n i duno where to bring him.. end up we went Sabawang shopping centre.. shop at giant.. n wana try to let him play at the water playground.. but.. he react jus like how he does at the swim pool.. he hug on to me n cry.. refuse to let us stand up.. ask us to SIT.. i still insist n bring him to one small area to touch the water.. he reject at first.. but slowly.. he begin to wana play the water le.. but still only tat small area.. for a while.. he ask us to go back to sit le.. he refuse to let hubby carry him.. then shawn insist wana sit in his stroller.. n GO le..

at first we intend to go back my mum place for dinner.. but she reali make me so fedup.. so i told her not goin home le.. had our dinner at Aybang yong tan fu.. at old Nee shun rd.. shawn wasn not behaving himself.. dun eat his porridge nor rice.. must keep coax him.. make hubby so angry..

Went back home after eating.. when we reach our home carpark.. then i notice.. little noti fall aslp le wo.. haha. i try to wake him up n make him walk home.. :)


Hubby went back to work OT tdy.. mil do her marketing.. while shawn n i wake up at 7.15am.. i make some scramble egg with tomato n cheese for him.. but he still refuse to eat wo.. i find it quite nice le.. but duno y he jus dun like.. so he only eat biscuit, cereal drink.. n bit bread..

bath him n wana make him take his morning nap.. but he refuse wo.. play til lunch time.. he was too tired to eat le.. oso eat a bit only.. then i make him a bottle of milk.. n he fall aslp after drinkin..

wake up at 2.30pm.. we watch tv together.. play his toys etc.. til 3.30pm.. mil take over n look after him while i went to take a nap.. hubby come back at 3.45pm.. n bath pepper.. i cant slp well.. cos room was so hot in the afternn.. hope the weather will b better when i m on confinement lol..

19Oct2009 - MIL bday

My boss let us off to cover the sat holiday.. so i m home with shawn.. wake up at 7.30am.. play with him.. mil make him some oat to eat.. i feed him.. he was guai n finish him bf fast.. then we watch tv.. play .. til 10.15am.. then i bath him.. n give him a bottle of ribina to drink.. then he fall aslp... til 11.30am.. he wake up..

had his lunch at 12.15pm.. then i start to prepare his stuffs... hubby reach home at 1pm.. bath.. then we bring mil out for lunch.. went suntec.. walk round the fountain.. but duno wat to eat.. end up we went to swensen.. shawn was given color pencil n paper.. sticker.. he was ok in the start.. playin those stuffs.. but half way thro the meal.. he keep wan me to bao bao ... give him some fries.. eat some ice cream.. heng we manage to make him sit in the high chair.. til we finish..

then we went Funan to collect hubby notebook.. which he got it from Singtel..

he was so busy with his notebook when reach home.. while i take my nap.. n shawn take his nap.. inside his stroller.. whaha.. he fall aslp in the car.. i manage to carry him into his stroller n slp all the way til at home.. n continue til 6pm :P

He was so energetic after the long nap.. too excited til dinner oso dun wana eat.. keep runnin ard.. i was so tired feedin him..

he has a long gun which hubby buy for him long ago.. recently.. he know tat he can carry the gun.. n he will "bang" at anyone.. then if we pretend to "died".. he will laugh out loud.. end using his finger.. he oso can play with us "bang Bang" he like us to hide n jump out bang bang at him.. then he will ran..

He learn to say "mai"... if he dun wan any stuff.. he will either say "mai" or "no no" with him mouth du up high.. hee..

I notice shawn start to control his temper better.. we can tell him nicely.. sometime he understand.. n will no throw tantrum like b4 le.. hope he will behave ... esp during meal time outside lol.. hee

two more wks n shawn will  goin childcare le.. will b goin to the centre to get his uniform n pay school fee this sat.. will go early n bring shawn there.. hope he will get use to tat place.. n play with the kids like b4...(when we went for enrolment..)

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