Monday 5 October 2009

With Shan & Alex @ ecp.. 2 Oct 2009

Last min we decided to go bedok jetty to relax.. play lantern.. but didn..cos shawn too active ah.. shan n i busy chasing him.. eat mooncake.. fishing.. alex n seng was busy fishin.. play shawn barney to entertain him.. tot he will jus sit there n watch.. but at 10pm.. he was too tired le.. crying for ma ma to bao bao.. refuse to sit in his stroller liao..

Have a nice chat with shan.. come to know she has her date fix le.. so wedding on the way le.. so happy for them.. look forward to their wedding..

reach home at 12midnite.. haha.. nvr have we reach home so late with shawn b4.. he fall aslp in my arm in the car.. heng i let him go out in pyjamas.. (i know tats bad..) so reach home.. i jus change his diaper.. n put him to continue to slp on the bed le.. hee

More pic with Alex cam.. hehe..

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