Monday 28 June 2010

I m glad I have you..

This wed.. 30june2010.. We will b married for 3yrs le.. In this 3 yrs.. We got double promotion.. Haha.. From parent of one to two... So much changes in our life.. But I m glad u r beside me all the time n bear with my nonsense .. I m thankful in everything u have done for us...

I love you hubby ... Thanks 

Monday 21 June 2010

Roy flip on 19Jun2010

Waited so long.. at last he flip..from back to tummy.. he tried so hard.. n both hubby n i miss his first flip.. hb watchin tv n i was at the drawer gettin my clothin for shower.. hai..

so i push him back to his hack (whaha!! bad mummy.. =P) n he got so angry.. keep yellin n crying for help.. n i was jus busy tryin to video him.. wana capture his flip again.. ignore his cry... totally lo... keke..

anyway.. to date.. little Roy can already sit up zhai with support le.. can snake crawl.. can move his hand to object we pass to him.. n hold thing n put into his mouth..

He can walk all direction in his walker.. will grab on shawn shirt to get his attention.. Roy will yell at Kor kor when he try to hug or carry him.. (cos kor kor hurts him once..)

Saturday 19 June 2010

Happy Fathers day

Happy fathers day to my hubby.. My dad n fil...

Thanks thanks n lots of thank to my hubby.. For whatever he have done for our kids n the family.. No doubt I complain some times ( or many times ?? Hee) I still thk u r the best..

Whatever u have done .. U have give up for us... I know.. N I reali appreciate it..

On this day.. I really hope u r happy to b father of out two kids.. Stay happy .. For there's more challenge comin up as they grow.. Hee.. We love you dear

Sunday 13 June 2010


Thanks for reminding ME.. I haven been write anythin abt myself hor.. Til u ask how m I.. Haha

I m preparing for my acca last paper RETAKE p3 again.. No doubt I m busy with the 3 boys ( include my ah Lao) I still hope to complete my acca.. Since I got no turn back Liao rite.. Last paper.. Too silly to give up lo...

I leave my home daily same time as I go work n come to my mum place to study.. Since last Monday.. N dear will not work ot but go home early to pick Shawn from school.. U will return only after having my dinner at my mum place.. N bring back some of her cook for dear n mil...

Wkend I can nvr study.. With two cutee ard how to?? Shawn will nvr let me 'go'...

Btw I had got back my pre preg weight le.. (yeah!!) but tat flabby tummy still need some hardwork lo.. With me still total breastfeeding little Roy.. I still eat like cow.. Hahaha.. My mum jus tell everyone how much I ate the other day.. Tryin to frighten my bros.. Kee..

My good collegue is planning to leave the company soon.. She has send out her resume Liao.. Tat makes me temped to leave oso.. After all I have been in this firm for coming 4yrs le.. Mayb is time to move on... But I need to complete my study first ba... With tat.. I guess I will have higher 'mkt value' hee... But one has good lobang do let me know hor... (accounts or audit position )

life mayb b tiring everyday.. Rush ard.. Work.. Kids.. All occupied all my time le.. Duno when's the last time dear n I step into cinima to watch a show.. When we went fishin n daydream by the sea... When did we went rollarblade in the middle of the nite... I miss those days.. But no regret ... See my two kids daily is something I look forward... Every morning I wake up.. My two babies will get a kiss from me.. ( dear no place to stand Liao... Hahaha.. He still get his goodbye kiss la... Hee) I loves to c them smiling at me when they wake up...

My new home sld b ready soon by end this yr or beginning of next yr.. Dear n I reali lookin forward to our own little nest... But we expect problem over handing over my mum flat to who... My younger bro tell my mum he dun intend yo take over .. Ask my mum to ask my elder bro to take over.. She haven talk to my elder bro.. But with himself havin so much debts... I wonder which bank will loan him.. Hai.. Disappointed by my younger bro.. But I keep quiet lo.. Since my flat still not ready.. No point make a fuss now.. Wait til times come.. Then we c how.. Worst come to worst.. Sell it off.. Ask my mum stay with me.. N let the broS got find their own shelter lo.. Y sld I care when they all only thk f themselves rite..

Got to go back to revise.. Exam on wed.. 3pm... I have one more day left only..

Roy start on rice cereal.. 12 June 2010

Today.. Shawn is 27mo.. So fast.. My little Shawn has grown up so much..

Went to shop at ntuc.. So tot since it's a gd date to rmb.. I sld start Roy solid tdy .. Hehe.. Roy keep staring at Shawn eating n drooling.. Tat sld b a gd sign tat he is ready.. Hee..

So jus like for Shawn.. I start on the nestle rice cereal with bm.. Only give a spoon this time.. Learn from Shawn last time.. First try bb normally won't eat much.. Haha.. He took abt half of it.. Not bad start le.. At least he open his mouth when I bring the spoon to him.. Not like Shawn reject it lo..

On sun mornin.. I make another spoon for him.. He finish all wo.. I was so glad.. N mil comment tat he can take spoon feeding better n faster then Shawn.. Hee..

Good job boy!!!

Back to Shawn... @27 mo this little boy learn lots .. Esp now he start to learn thing from us.. We must b very careful wat we speak n do.. He reali do watever we do.. Esp wat his daddy do n say... I keep giving daddy eye signal not to do this n tat.. (can't let Shawn know.. Else he will follow me n scold daddy lo...) even wat n how I play with di di ... I must b careful.. Haha.. Tats how they learn I guess...

This sat is our first meet the parent session at Shawn Sch.. Hee.. Hope no complain abt him.. Look forward to tat.. Keke

Thursday 10 June 2010

Everybody grow up.. Everyone change...

Suddenly feel like writing this down.. I read .. Ok nvm how I got this feelllll....

You use to b quiet.. Shy.. I thk u dun like to get urself in trouble n hence scare if this n tat... U use to envy others with happy family.. Always look forward to have ur own little home... U say u dun have 'frens' or sld I say trustable fren..

I felt tat u have change.. To someone I hardly can understd how u feel.. Wat u r thkin.. I duno when my words will offends u.. N u nvr will show ur true color in front of me... U say nice words jus to 'stranger fren' like me.. Mayb jus to shut me down..

As time goes.. U starts to show off every little achievement u have made.. I guess without knowing tat urself.. Sometime things r best to keep it low portfile to avoid trouble.. Mayb I jus thk too much..

Anyway.. All the best to watever u r doin n having now.. I thk we do have a barrier in between us which we always pretend we dun know... It can nvr b remove I guess.. Sad

Tuesday 1 June 2010

Exam Period.. Fear..stress..!!!!

Retaking my P3 again.. cant rmb is 3rd or 4th take le.. hai.. i guess i m jus nuts over business analyse

Exam on 16June2010.. at Republic Poly..

N i haven start my revision.. n tdy is 1Jun le.. every day busy with kids.. n so tired after i make Roy slp.. i reali no more energy left by the end of the day.. ask me to take out my notes to read... i thk its a waste of time.. dun time i can absorb anything..

so.. i plan.. 7jun onward will go onleave.. n every day i leave home as usual.. send shawn to sch.. then i will ride to my mummy place n STUDY.. n only return after dinner.. so had tell hubby to pick shawn from school from next mon onward..

so will 7 days enough for revision??? will i b able to make it?? i reali dun wana receive my result n cry over it again.. god pls pity me n let me pass this one n only .. (whahaha)

Long wkend.. we had fun..

No doubt shawn is having flu.. he is still active.. Fri..vesak day.. bring him out after Dear come back from OT.. pick my mum.. n we went TPY..then to AMK Hub for dinner at NewYorkNewYork.. as usual shawn act like monkey there la.. refuse to eat his food.. Luckly di di sleeping..

Sat.. send shawn to sch as usual.. then Hubby n i went to Beach Rd for our bf.. then went back AMK hub to do our banking..

Reach home at 12+.. manage to catch a nap..since Roy is sleepin.. almost over shot the time to pick shawn.. quickly dash out of the hse n went downstair pick him.. he was happily sitting there eating his rasin..

Went back yishun .. went chong pang to buy thing n decided to get shawn a bicycle.. with this helmat.. it cost us $110.. i can c he is very happy to have tat.. hope he can ride soon :) then we can go to ECP to ride le..

Sun.. dear decided not goin back to work.. since my mum on leave.. so he wana bring us out shopping.. we went IMM.. shop there.. shawn had fun at the playground.. then Dear wana have steamboat for dinner.. n we head to giant to buy ingre..

went home to prepare dinner.. n was glad mum is ard to help me look after Roy while i feed shawn n had my dinner..shawn refuse to eat by himself.. so noti..

left mummy place at 8.15pm.. got to get home b4 9pm.. else if shawn sleep in the car.. he wont continue to slp when reach home le.. which mean he will play til 11-12pm then slp liao..

Roy's turn to fall sick...

Dear was on MC yty.. he went to doc n went home to rest.. til 3pm+ he sms me.. told me Roy having running nose le.. must bring him to doc liao..

So after work.. dear come to fatch me.. went home to bath.. n bring Roy to Dr Lillian.. but clinic was not open.. both doc out of town til 5Jun..

so got to go back GP at Fernvale point.. tat doc is nice.. jus tat i prefer to bring Roy to PD since he is so young...

Confirm he is down with flu.. running nose.. n his back white spot is han bang.. given cream to apply.. n his BCG mark oso got infection... (notice slight bleed wks ago).. another cream for tat..

Shawn not recover yet.. so doc give me other medicine for shawn as well..

Reach home almost 8pm le.. settle Roy.. give him medicine.. n shawn oso took his.. then i had my dinner.. (or sld i call it supper..hee)