Tuesday 1 June 2010

Long wkend.. we had fun..

No doubt shawn is having flu.. he is still active.. Fri..vesak day.. bring him out after Dear come back from OT.. pick my mum.. n we went TPY..then to AMK Hub for dinner at NewYorkNewYork.. as usual shawn act like monkey there la.. refuse to eat his food.. Luckly di di sleeping..

Sat.. send shawn to sch as usual.. then Hubby n i went to Beach Rd for our bf.. then went back AMK hub to do our banking..

Reach home at 12+.. manage to catch a nap..since Roy is sleepin.. almost over shot the time to pick shawn.. quickly dash out of the hse n went downstair pick him.. he was happily sitting there eating his rasin..

Went back yishun .. went chong pang to buy thing n decided to get shawn a bicycle.. with this helmat.. it cost us $110.. i can c he is very happy to have tat.. hope he can ride soon :) then we can go to ECP to ride le..

Sun.. dear decided not goin back to work.. since my mum on leave.. so he wana bring us out shopping.. we went IMM.. shop there.. shawn had fun at the playground.. then Dear wana have steamboat for dinner.. n we head to giant to buy ingre..

went home to prepare dinner.. n was glad mum is ard to help me look after Roy while i feed shawn n had my dinner..shawn refuse to eat by himself.. so noti..

left mummy place at 8.15pm.. got to get home b4 9pm.. else if shawn sleep in the car.. he wont continue to slp when reach home le.. which mean he will play til 11-12pm then slp liao..

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