Thursday 10 June 2010

Everybody grow up.. Everyone change...

Suddenly feel like writing this down.. I read .. Ok nvm how I got this feelllll....

You use to b quiet.. Shy.. I thk u dun like to get urself in trouble n hence scare if this n tat... U use to envy others with happy family.. Always look forward to have ur own little home... U say u dun have 'frens' or sld I say trustable fren..

I felt tat u have change.. To someone I hardly can understd how u feel.. Wat u r thkin.. I duno when my words will offends u.. N u nvr will show ur true color in front of me... U say nice words jus to 'stranger fren' like me.. Mayb jus to shut me down..

As time goes.. U starts to show off every little achievement u have made.. I guess without knowing tat urself.. Sometime things r best to keep it low portfile to avoid trouble.. Mayb I jus thk too much..

Anyway.. All the best to watever u r doin n having now.. I thk we do have a barrier in between us which we always pretend we dun know... It can nvr b remove I guess.. Sad


  1. But... if you never address the issue, the other party will never know...

  2. :) is nvr meant for tat party to know anything.. Jus how I felt ah.. Is my blog only ah.. Not meant to stir up a fight lo..

  3. I know you are not one of those who meant to stir up any trouble and agree that this is your blog... you can write anything you want... to pen down your thoughts... your feelings... etc... from the content, i felt that you seem to care for this person alot... isn't a waste if you just let it pass like that without letting him/her know how you feel?
