Sunday 13 June 2010

Roy start on rice cereal.. 12 June 2010

Today.. Shawn is 27mo.. So fast.. My little Shawn has grown up so much..

Went to shop at ntuc.. So tot since it's a gd date to rmb.. I sld start Roy solid tdy .. Hehe.. Roy keep staring at Shawn eating n drooling.. Tat sld b a gd sign tat he is ready.. Hee..

So jus like for Shawn.. I start on the nestle rice cereal with bm.. Only give a spoon this time.. Learn from Shawn last time.. First try bb normally won't eat much.. Haha.. He took abt half of it.. Not bad start le.. At least he open his mouth when I bring the spoon to him.. Not like Shawn reject it lo..

On sun mornin.. I make another spoon for him.. He finish all wo.. I was so glad.. N mil comment tat he can take spoon feeding better n faster then Shawn.. Hee..

Good job boy!!!

Back to Shawn... @27 mo this little boy learn lots .. Esp now he start to learn thing from us.. We must b very careful wat we speak n do.. He reali do watever we do.. Esp wat his daddy do n say... I keep giving daddy eye signal not to do this n tat.. (can't let Shawn know.. Else he will follow me n scold daddy lo...) even wat n how I play with di di ... I must b careful.. Haha.. Tats how they learn I guess...

This sat is our first meet the parent session at Shawn Sch.. Hee.. Hope no complain abt him.. Look forward to tat.. Keke


  1. happy to hear that both of them are growing well. how bout u?

  2. O ya.. I nvr update anything abt myself de hor.. Haha.. Shall write one blog abt ME ..
