Monday 21 June 2010

Roy flip on 19Jun2010

Waited so long.. at last he flip..from back to tummy.. he tried so hard.. n both hubby n i miss his first flip.. hb watchin tv n i was at the drawer gettin my clothin for shower.. hai..

so i push him back to his hack (whaha!! bad mummy.. =P) n he got so angry.. keep yellin n crying for help.. n i was jus busy tryin to video him.. wana capture his flip again.. ignore his cry... totally lo... keke..

anyway.. to date.. little Roy can already sit up zhai with support le.. can snake crawl.. can move his hand to object we pass to him.. n hold thing n put into his mouth..

He can walk all direction in his walker.. will grab on shawn shirt to get his attention.. Roy will yell at Kor kor when he try to hug or carry him.. (cos kor kor hurts him once..)

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