Sunday 13 June 2010


Thanks for reminding ME.. I haven been write anythin abt myself hor.. Til u ask how m I.. Haha

I m preparing for my acca last paper RETAKE p3 again.. No doubt I m busy with the 3 boys ( include my ah Lao) I still hope to complete my acca.. Since I got no turn back Liao rite.. Last paper.. Too silly to give up lo...

I leave my home daily same time as I go work n come to my mum place to study.. Since last Monday.. N dear will not work ot but go home early to pick Shawn from school.. U will return only after having my dinner at my mum place.. N bring back some of her cook for dear n mil...

Wkend I can nvr study.. With two cutee ard how to?? Shawn will nvr let me 'go'...

Btw I had got back my pre preg weight le.. (yeah!!) but tat flabby tummy still need some hardwork lo.. With me still total breastfeeding little Roy.. I still eat like cow.. Hahaha.. My mum jus tell everyone how much I ate the other day.. Tryin to frighten my bros.. Kee..

My good collegue is planning to leave the company soon.. She has send out her resume Liao.. Tat makes me temped to leave oso.. After all I have been in this firm for coming 4yrs le.. Mayb is time to move on... But I need to complete my study first ba... With tat.. I guess I will have higher 'mkt value' hee... But one has good lobang do let me know hor... (accounts or audit position )

life mayb b tiring everyday.. Rush ard.. Work.. Kids.. All occupied all my time le.. Duno when's the last time dear n I step into cinima to watch a show.. When we went fishin n daydream by the sea... When did we went rollarblade in the middle of the nite... I miss those days.. But no regret ... See my two kids daily is something I look forward... Every morning I wake up.. My two babies will get a kiss from me.. ( dear no place to stand Liao... Hahaha.. He still get his goodbye kiss la... Hee) I loves to c them smiling at me when they wake up...

My new home sld b ready soon by end this yr or beginning of next yr.. Dear n I reali lookin forward to our own little nest... But we expect problem over handing over my mum flat to who... My younger bro tell my mum he dun intend yo take over .. Ask my mum to ask my elder bro to take over.. She haven talk to my elder bro.. But with himself havin so much debts... I wonder which bank will loan him.. Hai.. Disappointed by my younger bro.. But I keep quiet lo.. Since my flat still not ready.. No point make a fuss now.. Wait til times come.. Then we c how.. Worst come to worst.. Sell it off.. Ask my mum stay with me.. N let the broS got find their own shelter lo.. Y sld I care when they all only thk f themselves rite..

Got to go back to revise.. Exam on wed.. 3pm... I have one more day left only..

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