Tuesday 31 July 2007

SIAEC carnival...

wat a day in the zoo.. heng we reach early.. went we were abt to leave... it starts pourin le...

Monday 30 July 2007

A New SigN of life In ME







I jus simply dun believe the doctor words (on 29/7)... so do my own test again tdy... guess its TRUE...

More to update.. hehe



Wednesday 25 July 2007

Tagged by Celyn

The rules are as follow :-

Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write their own blog post with their 7 things as well as these rules. You need to tag 7 others and list their names on your blog. Remember to leave a comment for them letting them know they have been tagged and to read your blog.

About me :

1. i'm a doggy lover.. cant live without doggy. (Pepper is my third dog le)

2. i love my family very very much. Miss my brothers when he is not ard.

3. i dun have many frens but do have few wonderful sisters. Tats more then enough

4. i have a hubby who love me quietly de. Never will show his love to me opening.

5. I loves riding. Have my baby gilera runner to accompany me to work daily. Loves fishing with my hubby. Love the nature...

6. Must have COFFEE every morning... tats a MUST..

7. Still learning how to b a good wife cum daughter in law .. still adapting to new life.. new environment...

you have been tagged:

1. Rylryl Tan

2. Priscilla Qiuyan

3. PeiJun Zhang

4.Tan Ning

5. Joyce Leong

6. Eunice & CS Chng

7. Steven Leong

hehe... some very bo liao thing to do when u r soooo freeee..


Saturday 21 July 2007

Last Day With Blackie Vios

Times flies.. still can rmb tat day we went to collect our first blackie vios... n now.. he is leavin us le... wonder will hubby feel sad to pass him off to the dealer???

Tml afternoon.. blackie will be sold to the dealer... n a new latios will b out... i still thk our decision to bring out the latios is a bit rush... without much consideration... went to book it the day after our weddin wo... but i know my hubby wans to change new car long ago le...

 Hope tat wont add on burden to us.. but luckly we live with inlaw.. so current still no housin burden la... expect my yishun flat la...

Again.. my hubby workin ot this wkend... but luckly this wkend i got program le..haha

went facial yty afternoon... then after tat meet Ning at Amkhub ... i bring my actual day ablum to let her see... then we chat ..shoppin... til abt 6pm... my hubby come to fatch me...

tdy... i change bed sheet... then ride to hougang mall to shop shop... buy ingredient to make soup for hubby... but.. got some small issue kor up lol... like let mil a bit not happy... guess tats bcos we r from different family..different culture... thing jus need time to adapt de... i dun blame her.. n oso hope she wont mind me... i only jus started to b a wife of somebody... i need time as well lol...

Waitin for hubby to b back... I miss him

Wednesday 18 July 2007

I miss my brother

I call my mummy early this mornin... ask her whether did my di di call home yty... yeah he did...

mummy say di di sound sad..tired... thk he must have reali suffer a lot... i was told.. he train too hard til muscle tear ... got one day MC... i was so sad to hear tat... i reali miss him very much... count down to 28jul...book out..

tdy as usual.. ride thro jam cte to work... had roti prata for breakfast... after work ... went chomp chomp for dinner with my hubby.. come back home..bath pepper... groom him..

di di... wat r u doin now... u must b strong ok... we love you... jia you


Saturday 14 July 2007

Hubby workin OT

Again workin ot for yty n tdy... N again.. i m bored at home (Fernvale)...

Wonderin.. y i cant go out shoppin myself..with frens.. or wat... but tats jus not somethin i enjoy doin... i m jus too lazy to go out.. even makan... i oso lazy to go out tabao...

i eat maggie mee for lunch....try to warm up the donut my brother brought for me... but got it burn... hahaha...

i got a call from my brother yty nite... he say he suffering in the NS... he cant do the pull up... his teacher helps him to escape from the first two mth trainin... n go straight to BMT...

by entrin the BMT straight... they will b expected with some level of fittness liao... but he is those gone case type... cant even do ONE pull up de...

he told me he kanna mark le... only few cant do... but he is the worst de... n he was marchin the whole day yty... boby achin le...i felt so sad... the moment i pull down the hp.... i burst out crying le... feel so say for him... i jus dun like to hear him sufferin... i miss my brother...

Thursday 12 July 2007

13 July 2007... Qiang Enlistment

My brother went incamp le...

All of us woke up very early tdy.. plan to wake up at 7am... but i woke up at 6.30... n saw my mum,.. di di n his gf.. all sittin at the livin room le...

so we decided to go eat prata lol... have our breakfast at prata shop... then went back home.. they went back home.. but me n hubby.. went pump petrol.. n buy phonecard for him... jus in case..

left home at 8.40am... a bit jam.. reach camp by 9... tats fast... his camp is Kent Hong camp...

we register... then di di proceed to a room to give his IC... while we go to the MPH... n the officer lead us ard the camp... view the food they takin for outfield.. gun they using.. boots..clothing... etc etc...

then we meet up in a room... the commander give a speech... n view video... then witness the oath taking... then proceed to view where they sleep... 

Hubby n me went to chat with one of the officer... tryin to find out more from him.. how my didi will b livin there... reali worry ...

soon.. its time for us to go... saw some guys cryin... but my brave di di... left with a big smile... but i know he cant bare to go lol... so is yeen teen ( my brother 's gf)...

we went to IMM for lunch... n shop shop... then went buy curry puff... went back yishun after this...

took a rest.. then rush hubby to go back fernvale.. cos the singtel ppl is comin down to fix the internet tdy... luckly i rush him... cos with we reach the carpark at fernvale.. his mother call to say he is here le...

~~wonder wat my di di is doin now ~~

Tuesday 10 July 2007

初年一..us @ Ang Pow River

Our Trip to Tree Top Walk

My Ah Huang Bday... 12 Sep 2006

JuN's Bday

27 JulY 2006 Gathering Dinner/Janice Farewell

Pepper has grown up le... :)

Janice & Shan Bday.. Celebrate on 14Jun Kbox

年初二 @ Sentosa

Over E YeArs..... @ FEO

16 Dec 2005 - DnD

Last DnD i attanded...

December 10 - My Bday

My Dearest Pepper

Tioman Trip

To celebrate Dear bday... A surprise for him...

Jus another day...

As usual.. woke up by my Pepper... he has become my alarm clock le... i dun even need my hp to wake me up liao... Ride to work.. CTE jus as jam as usual.. reach office at slightly pass 8am... ( i start work at 8.30am de k... no late no late)

yty.. i got a shockin news from shiling... "yvonne daddy had passed away on sun" ... i was like... OMG.... she jus attended my wedding a wk ago... n my boss was chating with her abt her daddy... everything was fine... but how come??? life is reali unpreditable... we reali wont know wat will happen tml... y must we live like this??? not knowing wat will happen the next moment to us... to ppl nearest to us... n yet ... someppl still nvr appreciate ppl ard them... Y??

Ride back... thro tat jam cte... saw my hubby washin his car ... so... hehe... quickly ask him to wash my bike as well... while i clean his car... so glad he is not workin ot tdy... sld i b hapi or sad... keke... no ot = no extra $$ wo... but can acompany me ah... keke.. i m very simple gal... i only need him beside me... dun need anything special... even like washin our vehicle together... tats already fun to us...

my inlaws were so nice.. they knew tat my brother is goin ns this fri... keep remindin me to tell him bring this brin tat de... my FIl even tryin to guide my hubby how to drive my brother to the camp... but.. tat gong gong hubby of me... jus dun understand... haha... so.. me n pepper ... together with my fil... went for a drive... keke... my fil guide him the way to Kent Hong camp... then we notice... kent hong camp had move to another place le... is no longer tat old location le... heng he bring us there tonite... or else ... we sure will waste a trip to the old camp on friday... wasting time...

tot of goin back home to c my mummy... but.. too late le.. come back fernvale .. already 9.30 liao... so... decided to go back tml... if hubby workin ot tml... guess i will need to ride back tml... but... hard to get parkin lots here la... hai... its always cheaper to ride... tats y... LOTS OF BIKE HERE.... sh*t...

Sunday 8 July 2007

Being MRS YAP for 1 week

so fast... i have become Mrs Yap for a week le...  time reali reali flies.....

for this week.. reali tryin hard to adapt.. not tat his family member dun treat me well... but.. guess.. cos i seldom stay out for so long... the new bed.. new pillow... new room.. etc etc...

even my pepper oso... tryin to adapt... he was barking every mornin when my inlaw wake up... to get ready for work... hope wont get complain from the neighbours...

my MIL is very nice lady i sld say... she try to make me feel at home... i was not sure wat sld i do with my clothing... so i wash them with hands everytime i bath... then she tell me dun need... jus wash the inner clothing... then rest put into the pail... she will wash in the machine... n.. she helps me to look after pepper... when she return home after work in the afternoon... she will let pepper out of the fence... n make sure he poo n piss le...

my hubby... very nice of him... he was suppose to start workin OT on tue... but cos... thk i tell him i miss home... lonely here... he actuali tell his superviser... he not workin OT this week... til sun then start workin ot... so tat he can keep my in comfort... he bring me home.. on thur.. n sat oso... i told him.. i hope he will bring my home often... cos i reali miss my mummy... he even went to fatch my mum over to our place... let her c how i m livin...

yty... hubby.. my brother,..yeen teen .. jianxiong n me... went sim lim to shop for new laptop... hubby try to fix the pc with jianxiong help.. but jus cant get it fix... connection to internet keep kanne dc... so he decided... he wan to get a laptop by sat... cos... sun he goin to work OT... he wan to ensure i got laptop to play with... he even fix the internet connection to the laptop.. work til 1++ then sleep... .. jus to ensure i can go online tdy...

thanks to my hubby... i love you...


Causeway Mall :: Fashion Wholesale Online Store - Wholesale Clothing Apparel, Dresses, Tops, Skirts, Accessories

Lots of nice wear...

Hubby's birthday

Start:     Sep 30, '07
its my hubby's birthday...

National day

Start:     Aug 9, '07
Public hoilday... Planing...

Thursday 5 July 2007

Our mini room

The room is even smaller then my own room in a 3rm HDB... still adapting

Days at OCC..

Check in on 30/6/07.. check out on 2/7/07

Tat day at ROM

wo hao xin fu... love u hubby

Bears for my car deco

Got this bears at J8.. we were abt to give up le.. til suddenly we saw this... hubby agreed to get it for me once i saw it...

haha.. wonder is he too tired to carry on shoppin with me OR.. he loves me... thk i will believe tat loves me ba... Hapi hapi

Tuesday 3 July 2007

PhotoStory3 14062007.wmv

When we were young.. pls download the original to view using media player for the full version

PhotoStory PS 14062007.wmv

Our PS Pic

Detail of my wedding

Venue : Grassroot club function room 1 n 2

Bridal : Graceful image

Photographer: Wai Peng (Highly recommended )

JP: Mr Lee Chow Soon

Mua: Jacqualine / Tin

Sisters : Ning, Priscilla, Ferlyn, Lishan, Jancie & PeiJun

Brothers: Jian Xiong, HanYi, Giarld, JianAn & WeiBing

Emcee: Priscilla & Jian An

Solemnisation: My valentine

First marchin: From this moment on

Food presentation: Canon

Second marchin: Perfect moment

Champine pouring: Destiny


Monday 2 July 2007

Actual day 30 June 2007

this is one of the day i will remember forever n ever....

Pris n Lishan come to my home for the nite... we chat chat... play with shan hair..keke... til 2am then we sleep...

Woke up at 4am.. tats very early... ( we oso duno y we wake up so early.. hehe) mum woke up at 4.30... give me the flower... to prepare for my bath... the sisters start to prepare the "breakfast" for the brothers...

MUA arrived at 5.20am... i make myself a coffee.. then start to make up liao...

WaiPeng( my photographer) reach ard 5.30am... she start shooting once she reach... on every detail items.. my shoes.. my corsages..etc...

i m really by 6.30am... n very soon my hubby reach le... my mum cover the veil for me... i didn cry... while my sister.. janice say she was so touch.. wanted to cry le.. hehe

the guys reach le... brothers - jian xiong, hanyi, jian an, gireld & wei bing.... sabo session starts le... (i miss the fun..hehe)

Hubby was asked to sing outside my room.. n read out a vow i prepare for him loudly outside my room... n signed.. kekeke..

then we left the hse... n go to Fernvale...

reach ard 7.50am.. abt wat we expected... thing move according to our schedule...

enter the hse...the room... rest a while... then we went out for photoshoot le... to ECP garden...

a very beautiful place i must say... lots of flowers... surprise tat Wai peng doesn know tat place.. she adviced me to go clerk quary after ECP... but when we reach... she oso thk tat place was too beactiful to miss... so we end up taking lots n lots of pic there n dun go Clerk Quary le...

return to fernvale at 10.30am... i ... rest in the room... then tea ceremony starts... photo shoot shoot shoot.... change to Kua n went back yishun...

reach yishun ard 12noon... rest a while.. the serve tea to the elder...

we tabao food back to OCC to eat... our room 321... check in...with ferlyn n pris n jianxiong...n ofcos my hubby la...

rest there.. chat chat.. take a nap...

left OCC at 5pm... reach grassroot at 5.20pm... so early... but jian an reach b4 us...

saw the venue deco... i was very happy with the simple deco... :)

MUA arrived at 5.30.. start to do for my inlaw.. then my mother.. then for yen teen.. n pris...

while my MUA arrived at 5.40pm... start doin for me... finish my at 6.50pm... i starts to practice walkin in the changin room...

went out to see my guest.. saw so many frens... so hapi...

then i was told... my laptop was spoilt... my brother n girald rush back home to take his laptop... heng his can work...

then... again another bad news... my JP late... he lost his way... OMG... 

he arrived at 7.20pm... then moment i went into the function room... sit down... when we abt to start... "BLACK OUT" ... i was reali shock... (thkin if only this is some kind of surprise from my hubby... hehe)

the brothers rush ard to ask the manager... then we were told... the whole club hse black out... n the technican is repairin... cannot tell how long it takes...

so the brother suggest we put candle on the table.. n carry on... i reali try very hard to hold back my tears lol... luckly... at this moment... the lights come back... but i lost all my smile le.. :(

after the ceremony... i quickly rush back to the changin room to CRY... (i was so proud tat i didn cry tat mornin.. but... now  )

soon the first march in stars le... i was nervous.. duno how to walk with the heavy long gown... ask my hubby to hold with his right hand ... on my left gown... while i hold the rite.... slowly we walk in... smile smile smile.... saw lots of my frens... cake cutting... then eat the cold dish...then sharkfin... n time to change to evening gown le...

with ning n pris help... (haha... they were havin hard time figurin how to tie the back of my gown..keke... Thanks gals.. muacz..)

then second march in... then champine pouring... then yam seng...

then we eat a bit of stuffs... n time to change into kua le... send the guest off...

chat with zhao chun.. weihao..ruirong + gf.. n zhi qiang.. hubby clear the bill...

the restaurant ppl help us to tabao lots of stuffs... then we went back the OCC...

Jianxiong drive my mummy, brother n yeen teen back... while Hanyi drive his parent back.. his father too drunk to drive le...

all the brothers went back OCC... plus pris... they play cards... while i havin hard time removin my makeup n hairdo...

everything ends at 2plus ..i thk... N there come my surprise to my Hubby... kekeke (pris u know la... hahaha)