Tuesday 3 July 2007

Detail of my wedding

Venue : Grassroot club function room 1 n 2

Bridal : Graceful image

Photographer: Wai Peng (Highly recommended )

JP: Mr Lee Chow Soon

Mua: Jacqualine / Tin

Sisters : Ning, Priscilla, Ferlyn, Lishan, Jancie & PeiJun

Brothers: Jian Xiong, HanYi, Giarld, JianAn & WeiBing

Emcee: Priscilla & Jian An

Solemnisation: My valentine

First marchin: From this moment on

Food presentation: Canon

Second marchin: Perfect moment

Champine pouring: Destiny



  1. hi i would also having my banquet there ler on Sept

  2. wow... we r the grassroot bride lol..keke.. very nice place i wld say... my guest all comment food very good... esp sharkfin.. cos we complain durin food testing lol...

  3. tats great!!! thankz ur reply..
    i haven done food tasting yet, thk next month bah

  4. remember share ur photo wif me wow, i wanna see how the deco .... :)

  5. sure... i was very hapi with their deco.. mayb my expectation wasnt very high ba... but one of my sister oso say very beautiful deco...
