Monday 30 July 2007

A New SigN of life In ME







I jus simply dun believe the doctor words (on 29/7)... so do my own test again tdy... guess its TRUE...

More to update.. hehe



  1. hehe.. Thks!!! but thk still too early to b hapi ba... pray hard...things will b fine...

  2. congrats, have you seen a gynae or just family doc? go see a gynae asap, gynae will give you some medicine to eat to 安胎 and for the development of baby.

  3. hey... congrats... leading into another chaper of life :) so hapi for u. must take gd care ya.

  4. hoho so happy for u !! congratz!!! do update to us woh...

  5. thks everyone...

    i haven go gynae wo... someppl told me 8wk then go.. some say 3rd mth.. my mummy la ke power... she say 5 mth later... duno listen to who...

  6. hi, my little opinion is to go early cos the early stage is very critical. for my previous case, gynae saw that i had blood outside the pregnancy sac and put me on mc for almost a week to rest at home. during this time, you can't carry heavy things too. have you started to eat folic acid which is good for development of baby? going to gynae, they are able to advise you what to take care of. for all my past visit, they take my weight and pressure to monitor. too be honest and not to frighten you, i really regret not going to gynae the moment i realised that i'm pregnant. sometimes, i do think that its my fault that i had a miscarriage.

  7. Congrats and do take good care! Hope to see more of your updates soon...


  8. ceyln.. pls dun thk tat way... it wasn anyones fault.. thing jus happen..canno help de..

    i went gynae yty liao.. given hormone table.. n some other vitamin.. give 1 day mc.. seen bb heart beat thro the scan..... jus hope thing works out for us...

    thks isabel....

  9. wah congratz claudia, u should vr excited when looked the bb heart beat bah =)

  10. don't worry, things will work out for you 2. :)

  11. hehe.. ya the blink blink in the scan i saw ...was b b heart beat... when i dr told us then we know leh... tats interesting...

  12. That was what i did too! I tot the doctor made a mistake or somehow... Then i did my own test and there we go, a baby coming!
