Wednesday 25 July 2007

Tagged by Celyn

The rules are as follow :-

Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write their own blog post with their 7 things as well as these rules. You need to tag 7 others and list their names on your blog. Remember to leave a comment for them letting them know they have been tagged and to read your blog.

About me :

1. i'm a doggy lover.. cant live without doggy. (Pepper is my third dog le)

2. i love my family very very much. Miss my brothers when he is not ard.

3. i dun have many frens but do have few wonderful sisters. Tats more then enough

4. i have a hubby who love me quietly de. Never will show his love to me opening.

5. I loves riding. Have my baby gilera runner to accompany me to work daily. Loves fishing with my hubby. Love the nature...

6. Must have COFFEE every morning... tats a MUST..

7. Still learning how to b a good wife cum daughter in law .. still adapting to new life.. new environment...

you have been tagged:

1. Rylryl Tan

2. Priscilla Qiuyan

3. PeiJun Zhang

4.Tan Ning

5. Joyce Leong

6. Eunice & CS Chng

7. Steven Leong

hehe... some very bo liao thing to do when u r soooo freeee..

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