Saturday 14 July 2007

Hubby workin OT

Again workin ot for yty n tdy... N again.. i m bored at home (Fernvale)...

Wonderin.. y i cant go out shoppin myself..with frens.. or wat... but tats jus not somethin i enjoy doin... i m jus too lazy to go out.. even makan... i oso lazy to go out tabao...

i eat maggie mee for lunch....try to warm up the donut my brother brought for me... but got it burn... hahaha...

i got a call from my brother yty nite... he say he suffering in the NS... he cant do the pull up... his teacher helps him to escape from the first two mth trainin... n go straight to BMT...

by entrin the BMT straight... they will b expected with some level of fittness liao... but he is those gone case type... cant even do ONE pull up de...

he told me he kanna mark le... only few cant do... but he is the worst de... n he was marchin the whole day yty... boby achin le...i felt so sad... the moment i pull down the hp.... i burst out crying le... feel so say for him... i jus dun like to hear him sufferin... i miss my brother...

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