Sunday 8 July 2007

Being MRS YAP for 1 week

so fast... i have become Mrs Yap for a week le...  time reali reali flies.....

for this week.. reali tryin hard to adapt.. not tat his family member dun treat me well... but.. guess.. cos i seldom stay out for so long... the new bed.. new pillow... new room.. etc etc...

even my pepper oso... tryin to adapt... he was barking every mornin when my inlaw wake up... to get ready for work... hope wont get complain from the neighbours...

my MIL is very nice lady i sld say... she try to make me feel at home... i was not sure wat sld i do with my clothing... so i wash them with hands everytime i bath... then she tell me dun need... jus wash the inner clothing... then rest put into the pail... she will wash in the machine... n.. she helps me to look after pepper... when she return home after work in the afternoon... she will let pepper out of the fence... n make sure he poo n piss le...

my hubby... very nice of him... he was suppose to start workin OT on tue... but cos... thk i tell him i miss home... lonely here... he actuali tell his superviser... he not workin OT this week... til sun then start workin ot... so tat he can keep my in comfort... he bring me home.. on thur.. n sat oso... i told him.. i hope he will bring my home often... cos i reali miss my mummy... he even went to fatch my mum over to our place... let her c how i m livin...

yty... hubby.. my brother,..yeen teen .. jianxiong n me... went sim lim to shop for new laptop... hubby try to fix the pc with jianxiong help.. but jus cant get it fix... connection to internet keep kanne dc... so he decided... he wan to get a laptop by sat... cos... sun he goin to work OT... he wan to ensure i got laptop to play with... he even fix the internet connection to the laptop.. work til 1++ then sleep... .. jus to ensure i can go online tdy...

thanks to my hubby... i love you...


1 comment:

  1. i can understand how u feel.. mil n fil also trying to make me feel comfy.. till now im trying still to adapt :)
