Sunday 30 September 2007

Hubby's Birthday

Celebration starts on sat 29/9...

he was working OT on sat.. by rite he was suppose tp work on sun de.. but i insist tat he must change with someone.. so he can rest on his birthday..

i stay at home n rest.. after takin my medicine.. i was like blur n gong gong de.. whole day.. jus lay there n sleep n rest... til dear knock off n come back at 6.15pm... then we get ready n went over to my mummy place... she cook lots of food for him.. got his favourite steamboat..prawn.. salmon fish bought by my di di..etc etc ... i was like so hungry after skipin my lunch tat day... ate so much.. til nitetime.. reali got a hard time to slp le.. drank Eno.. to help me on the bloated stomach...


we slept til 10++... long time nvr slp til so late le.. sang my dear a birthday song on the bed... :) then we decided to go eat you tiao da wang... call my di di to ask them along... then we went suntec to shop a while.. didn buy anything.. jus too crowded.. wanted to eat earthquark at swenson.. but tat branch at suntec was close for private function... so we come back to Northpoint branch to have our Ice cream...

after eating.. we went back yishun to rest... til nite time have our steamboat again.. keke.. tat his favourite ma.. hot soup... yum yum...

stay there to watch tv til 8.30pm.. then send my di di back camp... after tat we went back fernvale to rest le.. so tired.. ... ...

Friday 28 September 2007

6th Gynae visit

I m suppose to c the gynae next friday de... but due to my flu.. cough... i bought forward my check up...

as usual.. hubby register for me first.. while i was on my way to the clinic... not much waiting.. i was the next to go...

doctor knew tat i got flu n cough when he saw me.. guess i reali look bad... so he prescribe many medicine for me ... scan n look at my bb.. got 9.7cm le.. at 15 wk.. everything is fine.. can c bb back bone clearly.. heart beating... i m like.. felt so relax to know everything is fine...

dinner at bk... hehee... ya ya,... i know i sld avoid those junk food since i m sick... but since i m sick le ma... so avoid oso sick le wo... hahaha.. jus eat la..

my di di call us rite after we finish our burger... he is booking out le.. wan us go fatch him... rush down to kent hong camp to pick him up n send him back yishun... then we went back fernvale...

took a bath... had my medicine.. then watch the 9pm show... fall asleep half way thro... thk i m reali tired le... Zzzzzzzz

Wednesday 26 September 2007

Mummy visit to TTSH

Start:     Oct 23, '07
minor operation... she will b fine...

We GOT IT.. #19-407

this is the day... 26 Sep 2007..Qno. 384.. rush day for us...

we woke up early in the mornin.. mayb we r jus too excited... we did our homework late nite.. had our discussion n selected few units... only 5 units.. if they r taken b4 we get to select... tats it.. we shall wait for coral spring then... tats our plan...

we decided to take the train instead of driving tdy.. so we ride to yishun to meet my mummy... (8.10am we reach)... walk to the MRT.. had our breakfast nearby ... Reach TTSH by 9.20am.. register ...wait n wait... til 10.15am.. it mummy turn... quickly rush in.. doctor say my mummy need to come back on 23Oct for minor operation... AGAIN... waste our time waiting... jus dun understand Y cant they jus tell us tat when we visited the A&E dept weeks ago... so we proceed to the PACE at the B2... i ask hubby to go HDB first.. cos i know i cant make it they by 11am le...

again.. we waited at the PACE... for abt 30min.. luckly... tats consider fast le.. rush to HDB.. luckly train is so much faster...

Reach HDB by 11.10am.. i rush to the sale dept.. saw our Q no.. went to the counter to find my hubby..still sittin there... heng tat we manage to get the first choice out of the 5 units we chose last nite.. but this unit wasnt my ideal one from the very beginning.. cos i wan something higher... like #22... hehehe... but i m still very happy...

now got to start savin for the reno le.. we got 5 yrs to plan.. hope by then.. we got enough $$ to spend w/o need to thk so much... kekeke

Sunday 23 September 2007

5th Gynae visit

Start:     Oct 5, '07 6:15p

Brother Ah Chai's Wedding dinner

Start:     Oct 6, '07 7:00p

Hubby's Birthday Present settled... :)


Sat 22 Sep 2007... Hubby workin ot.. i left fernvale early in the mornin n went to yishun home.. My Sweet brother.. cook my noodle for breakfast.. while i buy lots of bread back to share with him...

We wait til 2.30pm.. left home to AMK Hub to meet my mummy... we shop shop there for hubby's present... PSP... n finally we got him his Black PSP... whole package cost me $420... So I m Broke now le... kekeke...

Reach home at 5.30pm... start my gift wrappin... not only the PSP i wrap up... hahaha.. i even wrap up the mooncake my dad buy for us... n the chips my mum buy for us from Msia... kekeke.. tat makes it look at if he got lots of present wo..


this cute little "man" start gettin excited when he saw all the present... smell them.. touch.. shake..etc... tryin to figure out wats in there... finally the excitement is over... he saw his PSP le.. n now he start to pester my di di for GAMES... to load into his new PSP... kekeke .. jus like jus... wonder will he fight with our baby for toys in future,... hahaha

His birthday is actuali on 30 Sep, But he insist he wana work on tat day.. cos sun got double pay lol.. *FAINT*... wat to do... so i give him the present early for him to play n test... hope not problem.. cos only 7days warranty ma... Now crackin my brain to thk of where to bring him for dinner for tat day... Hummmm.....


Sunday 16 September 2007

wat a scary dream i had last nite...

i had a bad dream last nite... to me tats bad..

i dreamt tat my hubby didn come home... i try callin him but he off his hp.. i cant reach him.. then i went to one of his frens hse to look for him... i ask his wife where was my hubby... she told me at the 3rd bedroom... i was walkin to the room..... .... ..... then i woke up le...

i start to thk wild after i woke up... i was thkin... is he in tat room with another gal... if i reali c such scene... how...???

i must admit... i n gettin very senstive these days... hubby went to work tdy.. ot.. again.. after tat dream... i started to doubt him..AGAIN... i know i m bad... but.. somehow.. i jus cant ctrl myself...

i was told by my gf.. tats normal during pregnancy... cos i feel insecure now... but i thk i m too much lol... i cant even stand my hubby surfin net while i m sleepin.. i will que him wat he is surfin.. y must he wait til i sleep then on the PC..etc etc... n jus cry for nothing... i wonder how long can he stand my nonsenses...

Tuesday 11 September 2007

My NT result is out...

Went to visit my gynae jus now... was told tat my NT scan result was ok... dun need further testing... n my blood test oso alright... so glad everything is fine... bb is healthy...

i reach the clinic at 6.15pm.. was told by my hubby..we need to wait for half an hour.. we went for our dinner first... while waitin for the nurse to call us... jus when we finish our food... the phone rang... we went down n soon it was our turn...

i told the dr abt my backache... my bloated stomach... etc etc... then we did our scan... c baby... dr say bb doin fine... n i jus happen to ask... "can we know the bb gender le".. dr reply " u wan to know ah...u say tat black thing stick out... abt 90% is boy boy la... but but.. dun go shoppin first... in case u got the wrong color... will confirm again in our next visit..." .... .... i look at hubby... hubby look at me... we smilin at each other... hehehe...

bought fish oil to eat... dr recommend say good for bb brain development de... so i jus take lol.. do a simple urine test before i left the clinic...

then we went cold storage to buy sushi.. hehe.. for supper... n at carpark.. i saw my neighbour car wo... so i sms her.. n tell her my good news... (abt my bb gender lol)... ... ...


Friday 7 September 2007

I felt so "Xin Fu"

He might b quiet.. dun like to slow his feelin.. but i know.. he loves me..

i reali felt tat i m so luckly.. (as at to date la..)... after hearin my frens problem.. with her hubby.. i reali hope i had make the rite choice.. til now .. i feel tat i had....

Havin simple life.. is jus another kind of happiness.. simply by..stroll to the nearest foodcentre n had our dinner.. chatin on the way... laugh.. joke.. sharing our day... or havin him to accompany me to every check up.. viewin our bb thro the scan together.. n comin home jokin abt how naughty the baby is... havin him to rest on the bed every evenin n watch tv together... buy chicken essense for me..force me to drink it down... (hahaha..i hate tat)... so sweet of him...

this is the kind of life i wan.. hopin tat last forever.. we dun need to b rich to live tat way.. but i know i m happy now...

Thursday 6 September 2007

NT test at Thomson Medical Centre

Got a MC tdy.. but i still went to work this mornin.. since boss so kind to me.. i m not sick ma.. so still can work... jus go lol... appointment @ 2pm.. had my lunch with Shi Ling... then took a bus 851 to TMC..

reach very early at 1.15pm.. hubby still on the way.. so waited for half an hour.. parkin is reali a headache @ TMC... he tot of parking opp tmc.. but no lots.. so end up still come back to TMC to park...

reach level 4.. @1.50pm.. register.. pay $110+... wait for our turn for the ultrasound...Q no 1041..

in less then 5min.. its our turn.. Dr Wong do the scan for us.. A young n nice lady i sld say.. bb face down... keep stand on the head..haha.. we reali have a hard time turnin to make the bb turn ard.. cough,... turn my body.. bb still lay there .. so cute... can c the 5 fingers.. n bb cross legs.. hand place infront of the face... jus like how the daddy sleep everynite lol... keke.. so glad bb is progressin fine..

Result will b send to my Gynae.. i will b seein him this comin tues.. then i will know hows everything... jus hope everything is normal...

we love you baby...