Sunday 30 September 2007

Hubby's Birthday

Celebration starts on sat 29/9...

he was working OT on sat.. by rite he was suppose tp work on sun de.. but i insist tat he must change with someone.. so he can rest on his birthday..

i stay at home n rest.. after takin my medicine.. i was like blur n gong gong de.. whole day.. jus lay there n sleep n rest... til dear knock off n come back at 6.15pm... then we get ready n went over to my mummy place... she cook lots of food for him.. got his favourite steamboat..prawn.. salmon fish bought by my di di..etc etc ... i was like so hungry after skipin my lunch tat day... ate so much.. til nitetime.. reali got a hard time to slp le.. drank Eno.. to help me on the bloated stomach...


we slept til 10++... long time nvr slp til so late le.. sang my dear a birthday song on the bed... :) then we decided to go eat you tiao da wang... call my di di to ask them along... then we went suntec to shop a while.. didn buy anything.. jus too crowded.. wanted to eat earthquark at swenson.. but tat branch at suntec was close for private function... so we come back to Northpoint branch to have our Ice cream...

after eating.. we went back yishun to rest... til nite time have our steamboat again.. keke.. tat his favourite ma.. hot soup... yum yum...

stay there to watch tv til 8.30pm.. then send my di di back camp... after tat we went back fernvale to rest le.. so tired.. ... ...

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