Wednesday 26 September 2007

We GOT IT.. #19-407

this is the day... 26 Sep 2007..Qno. 384.. rush day for us...

we woke up early in the mornin.. mayb we r jus too excited... we did our homework late nite.. had our discussion n selected few units... only 5 units.. if they r taken b4 we get to select... tats it.. we shall wait for coral spring then... tats our plan...

we decided to take the train instead of driving tdy.. so we ride to yishun to meet my mummy... (8.10am we reach)... walk to the MRT.. had our breakfast nearby ... Reach TTSH by 9.20am.. register ...wait n wait... til 10.15am.. it mummy turn... quickly rush in.. doctor say my mummy need to come back on 23Oct for minor operation... AGAIN... waste our time waiting... jus dun understand Y cant they jus tell us tat when we visited the A&E dept weeks ago... so we proceed to the PACE at the B2... i ask hubby to go HDB first.. cos i know i cant make it they by 11am le...

again.. we waited at the PACE... for abt 30min.. luckly... tats consider fast le.. rush to HDB.. luckly train is so much faster...

Reach HDB by 11.10am.. i rush to the sale dept.. saw our Q no.. went to the counter to find my hubby..still sittin there... heng tat we manage to get the first choice out of the 5 units we chose last nite.. but this unit wasnt my ideal one from the very beginning.. cos i wan something higher... like #22... hehehe... but i m still very happy...

now got to start savin for the reno le.. we got 5 yrs to plan.. hope by then.. we got enough $$ to spend w/o need to thk so much... kekeke

1 comment:

  1. Wow, congrats on getting a house of your own. But the wait is long... 5 yrs leh, by the time yr baby already toddler loh! Kekeke...
