Friday 7 September 2007

I felt so "Xin Fu"

He might b quiet.. dun like to slow his feelin.. but i know.. he loves me..

i reali felt tat i m so luckly.. (as at to date la..)... after hearin my frens problem.. with her hubby.. i reali hope i had make the rite choice.. til now .. i feel tat i had....

Havin simple life.. is jus another kind of happiness.. simply by..stroll to the nearest foodcentre n had our dinner.. chatin on the way... laugh.. joke.. sharing our day... or havin him to accompany me to every check up.. viewin our bb thro the scan together.. n comin home jokin abt how naughty the baby is... havin him to rest on the bed every evenin n watch tv together... buy chicken essense for me..force me to drink it down... (hahaha..i hate tat)... so sweet of him...

this is the kind of life i wan.. hopin tat last forever.. we dun need to b rich to live tat way.. but i know i m happy now...


  1. we have the same msn msg on the same day. mine xin fu is becoz i compare with my frd. my frd is doing very well in her career, buying car and property. i m so envy of her but when i heard her side of prob. i know i m very xin fu le with all i have now. i must learn to appreciate things.

  2. yaya.. we reali need to learn to appreciate things.. esp with wat we have now.. nvr take things for granted lo...
