Sunday 16 September 2007

wat a scary dream i had last nite...

i had a bad dream last nite... to me tats bad..

i dreamt tat my hubby didn come home... i try callin him but he off his hp.. i cant reach him.. then i went to one of his frens hse to look for him... i ask his wife where was my hubby... she told me at the 3rd bedroom... i was walkin to the room..... .... ..... then i woke up le...

i start to thk wild after i woke up... i was thkin... is he in tat room with another gal... if i reali c such scene... how...???

i must admit... i n gettin very senstive these days... hubby went to work tdy.. ot.. again.. after tat dream... i started to doubt him..AGAIN... i know i m bad... but.. somehow.. i jus cant ctrl myself...

i was told by my gf.. tats normal during pregnancy... cos i feel insecure now... but i thk i m too much lol... i cant even stand my hubby surfin net while i m sleepin.. i will que him wat he is surfin.. y must he wait til i sleep then on the PC..etc etc... n jus cry for nothing... i wonder how long can he stand my nonsenses...


  1. ger... u are so poor thing. think the hormonal changes during pregnancy is giving u some stress... hope ur hubby understands wat u are going through and be more supportive. then u will feel better too ya :)
    take care ok.. dun think so much... a happy mama will have a happy baby wor :) SMILE ok

  2. As a father-to-be, he had to have some tolerance level. Pregnancy is not meant to be an excuse to be unreasonable. But somehow mother-to-be usually had these symtons in one way or another. Please remember to be relax and try to think positively always. You do not want to have you?

  3. Shupei,

    I am sure your hubby will understand and have confidence in yourself. Try to occupy your mind with other things so that you wouldn't have time to worry unnecessarily. Maybe should think more about what to do when the baby arrives... Think positive and stay happy...

