Friday 28 September 2007

6th Gynae visit

I m suppose to c the gynae next friday de... but due to my flu.. cough... i bought forward my check up...

as usual.. hubby register for me first.. while i was on my way to the clinic... not much waiting.. i was the next to go...

doctor knew tat i got flu n cough when he saw me.. guess i reali look bad... so he prescribe many medicine for me ... scan n look at my bb.. got 9.7cm le.. at 15 wk.. everything is fine.. can c bb back bone clearly.. heart beating... i m like.. felt so relax to know everything is fine...

dinner at bk... hehee... ya ya,... i know i sld avoid those junk food since i m sick... but since i m sick le ma... so avoid oso sick le wo... hahaha.. jus eat la..

my di di call us rite after we finish our burger... he is booking out le.. wan us go fatch him... rush down to kent hong camp to pick him up n send him back yishun... then we went back fernvale...

took a bath... had my medicine.. then watch the 9pm show... fall asleep half way thro... thk i m reali tired le... Zzzzzzzz

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