Tuesday 11 September 2007

My NT result is out...

Went to visit my gynae jus now... was told tat my NT scan result was ok... dun need further testing... n my blood test oso alright... so glad everything is fine... bb is healthy...

i reach the clinic at 6.15pm.. was told by my hubby..we need to wait for half an hour.. we went for our dinner first... while waitin for the nurse to call us... jus when we finish our food... the phone rang... we went down n soon it was our turn...

i told the dr abt my backache... my bloated stomach... etc etc... then we did our scan... c baby... dr say bb doin fine... n i jus happen to ask... "can we know the bb gender le".. dr reply " u wan to know ah...u say tat black thing stick out... abt 90% is boy boy la... but but.. dun go shoppin first... in case u got the wrong color... will confirm again in our next visit..." .... .... i look at hubby... hubby look at me... we smilin at each other... hehehe...

bought fish oil to eat... dr recommend say good for bb brain development de... so i jus take lol.. do a simple urine test before i left the clinic...

then we went cold storage to buy sushi.. hehe.. for supper... n at carpark.. i saw my neighbour car wo... so i sms her.. n tell her my good news... (abt my bb gender lol)... ... ...



  1. hehe congrats! for me i didnt do NT scan cos i pass the weeks to measure baby neck. I did a triple test and detail scan. :)

  2. congrats on ur little boy boy wor :)

  3. Glad tat u r doing fine..these few mths u might feel very tired but tink of yr bb i'm sure mummy will tink it worth it..
