Thursday 6 September 2007

NT test at Thomson Medical Centre

Got a MC tdy.. but i still went to work this mornin.. since boss so kind to me.. i m not sick ma.. so still can work... jus go lol... appointment @ 2pm.. had my lunch with Shi Ling... then took a bus 851 to TMC..

reach very early at 1.15pm.. hubby still on the way.. so waited for half an hour.. parkin is reali a headache @ TMC... he tot of parking opp tmc.. but no lots.. so end up still come back to TMC to park...

reach level 4.. @1.50pm.. register.. pay $110+... wait for our turn for the ultrasound...Q no 1041..

in less then 5min.. its our turn.. Dr Wong do the scan for us.. A young n nice lady i sld say.. bb face down... keep stand on the head..haha.. we reali have a hard time turnin to make the bb turn ard.. cough,... turn my body.. bb still lay there .. so cute... can c the 5 fingers.. n bb cross legs.. hand place infront of the face... jus like how the daddy sleep everynite lol... keke.. so glad bb is progressin fine..

Result will b send to my Gynae.. i will b seein him this comin tues.. then i will know hows everything... jus hope everything is normal...

we love you baby...


  1. hey claudia... can check w u wats NT scan. wat do they do? this is done @ how many weeks of pregnancy huh.
    i'm sure when u look @ the scan, bb will melt your heart coz bb is so cute rite.

  2. NT scan.. abit like normal scannin with ur gynae de.. is done at 11-13 wks... but the scannin is longer.. the doctor took many mansurement to do some calculation...assess the risk of DS lol...

    hehe.. ya.. got very excited when i c bb... normally when gynae only see a short while... but tdy... more then 15 min lol...

  3. hmmm... i nv do the test @ mi 12th week appt leh. but dr ask mi to prepare for blood test on mi next visit (16th week)... hmm... think i better check w him. i wanna do all the tests leh. v kiasu le.. hehhe for bb ma. so u have to go back for the results wan lah, not noe it during the session huh.
    wah.. can see 15 min... so nice... i oso wanna see bb for a longer period.

  4. hehe... ya.. tat long time viewing..very interestin de.. we try to make bb move..turn.. so cute lol

    there r reali lots of test de wo.. if u wan take all... oso got one 3D test.. thk u can take at wk 20... can c bb in 3D form wo... hehe..tat interesting oso...

    but dun thk i m spendin so much on those test... jus those to make sure bb is health can le... :)

  5. heheh yeah yeah not all as in ALL lah.. those more basic ones haha hey how ti make bb move?? i wanna try tat too man. when is ur EDD?

  6. hopes and pray that all goes well for you dear...

  7. thks...
    my edd 19Mar08..

    cough, turn ur body side to side... all can make bb move de...
