Sunday 23 September 2007

Hubby's Birthday Present settled... :)


Sat 22 Sep 2007... Hubby workin ot.. i left fernvale early in the mornin n went to yishun home.. My Sweet brother.. cook my noodle for breakfast.. while i buy lots of bread back to share with him...

We wait til 2.30pm.. left home to AMK Hub to meet my mummy... we shop shop there for hubby's present... PSP... n finally we got him his Black PSP... whole package cost me $420... So I m Broke now le... kekeke...

Reach home at 5.30pm... start my gift wrappin... not only the PSP i wrap up... hahaha.. i even wrap up the mooncake my dad buy for us... n the chips my mum buy for us from Msia... kekeke.. tat makes it look at if he got lots of present wo..


this cute little "man" start gettin excited when he saw all the present... smell them.. touch.. shake..etc... tryin to figure out wats in there... finally the excitement is over... he saw his PSP le.. n now he start to pester my di di for GAMES... to load into his new PSP... kekeke .. jus like jus... wonder will he fight with our baby for toys in future,... hahaha

His birthday is actuali on 30 Sep, But he insist he wana work on tat day.. cos sun got double pay lol.. *FAINT*... wat to do... so i give him the present early for him to play n test... hope not problem.. cos only 7days warranty ma... Now crackin my brain to thk of where to bring him for dinner for tat day... Hummmm.....


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