Friday 19 October 2007

Confirm le Confirm le... Is PrInce

Another visit to the Gynae today... time reali pass so fast... tdy baby is already 14.4cm le.. 276g... N i m 57.5 KG le.. *faint*


Jus like last few visit... hubby arrive to register at the clinic for me first... n the moment i reach.. i m the next le... hehe no need to wait at all... so good... kekeke...

Dr say must go do my detail test le.. decided to go on 9nov.. wait for nurse to book for me then let me know.. n my next visit to Dr Adrian will b on 13Nov le.. 4 wks from now...

tdy i got the bad bloated stomach.. n feel like vomitin.. told dr.. but he say if i nvr eat anythin wrong.. sld b normal de.. then he scan my baby.. so cute.. baby so big le.. so active.. moving ard.. i ask to listen to baby heart beat.. heard the beatin.. so fast.. so interesting.. hehe.. dr say everything is fine.. baby looks normal.. i request to take my weight.. n..hai... increase again.. another 2 kg.. hai.. baby abt 18wk2d.. n i increase 4kg le.. is tat too much.. ???

anyway.. i m more happy then worry abt my weight..hehehe... cos dr confirm le.. my baby is boy boy.. n he tell me..can go shop for boy boy stuffs le.. kekeke..

To baby: mummy is so hapi to know tat u r fine.. daddy n mummy look forward to c u soon again.. hopeful b4 tat.. mummy can feel ur 'kick' soon... we love you ... our son...


  1. Congrats mummy to be!

    Bet you be more excited in the visits to come!
    Have a great weekend and always be xtra careful when walking..

    Love : Mommie Siti aka DReamLoverLady - Orkut Scraps Codes

  2. thks thks muack muack ...hehehe..

    we reali look forward to every visit.. n glad to hear tat baby is fine each time... :)

  3. hi mum to be .. congratz & enjoy ur evr excited day =)

  4. Hi claudia, congrats ya! Heehee... so 18th week can know gender liao ah... LOL! I got 5 more weeks to go!

  5. i know my bb gender in wk14 i thk.. but gynae only say 90% is boyboy... he now then cfm his gender lol... hehe...

  6. hey ger.. congrats on ur bb boy.. hahah can go shopping liao! yeah!! can feel ur excitment in ur entry. good for u! lots of things to buy now.

    hey btw.. u wanna buy breast pumps? i got extra set.. i bought one and frens gave mi one set... 2 exactly the same... worse... buy @ the same sale... haha

  7. ya i will need to buy .. but i duno whether to get a manual or electric one yet wo... haven do my research...hehe... any experience mummy can advice one this ah??? if i buy now.. wat if i got no BM ... then how ah... wasted hor... when sld i buy...

    jaslyn> how much r u sellin ur set???

  8. the original price is @ 488. sales price is 299... tats y i rush to buy. duno leh, some fren telling mi tat the medela wan is gd, not painful. how much u wanna buy it @? haha i havent gotten ard to take pic of it thou... can take pic to show u.

  9. hehe i realised u uploaded ur prince's pic... so cute!! now more proportionate liao hor hehe
