Wednesday 10 October 2007

TodAy.. u r 17th week le

nothing much tdy.. jus feel like write something...

put on my new maternity top... look so big on me.. haha.. but tats how maternity sld look like rite.. big n loose..

as usual.. went to work... but nothing much to do in the office.. hence so hard to pass the time... hai... luckly i get to chat with my frenSsss... hehehe

To my baby: u r 17wk tdy le.. u must jia you k n i will protect u as much as i can de.. i promise.. n so will daddy... we look forward to the next check up on 19th Oct to c you soon... we love you baby..


  1. I am gg for my check up on 19 oct too hehe remember to post the progress :)

  2. so fast you are in 17wk le and I am in my 12wk! So happy, after this wk... I am officially in 2nd tri and hopefully all MS and discomfort will go away... shoo shoo...

    how are you feeling now? so far so gd? *wink*

  3. hehehe ...... Jo good for u ... 2nd tri can start to eat more! and pls pls do enjoy the process of being pregnant .... hehehe and eat bird nest remember!

  4. can eat birdnest meh?? i heard tat may cos bb astma wo.. i still haven taken tat wo..

    *blink*blink* i m doin fine.. only feel the tighness on my tummy.. start gainin weight le.. put on abt 3kg le.. so sad..but i thk worth de rite.. all mtb..u agreed??

  5. kekeke claudia can take but moderate loh ... i took one week once .... can drink red dates tea oso :) i brew myself .....
    i am lucky enuff that I have not gain any weight so far ... *touch wood* hope that when I bk fr holiday i will not gain weight hahaha

  6. red dates tea.. heaty ma?? i only drink chicken essense..n tats already too heaty for me le.. after takin once a wk for 3 wk.. i was sick for few days lol.. hahaha

    u didn gain weight?? reali ah.. how come?? tot its a must to gain weight de.. ur gynae nvr say anything abt tat meh?? n i r movin to 3rd tri le rite... sld at least gain 5kg le ba...

  7. Claudia i myself is plus size so no advisable to gain weight ..... gynae very happy hehehe cos baby growing well ... not me hahahah ..... red dates tea i drink once awhile mummy say is to PU XUE .... so not too much everything in moderation.

    I oso dunno when is the strating of 3rd trimester leh hahaha ..... have u feel movement?

  8. Icic.. I haven feel the bb movement.. oso dun how tat feel like.. mayb he movement le i oso duno.. keke..

    i got some sharp pull... n cramp at time lol...

  9. hmmm the feeling like ur stomach got ppl knocking that kind of feeling heehee ...... cramp will have one cos expand baby need space heehee

  10. im experiencing tat.. sharp pull and cramp.. but is not very frequent, initially i tot something was wrong..

  11. i read tat the pull n cramp is tat baby is growin.. expandin.. tat y we experience... n can b Braxton Hicks contractions... some form of contractions oso.. n ppl say the birth contractions.. can b 100x more painful then BHC
