Friday 12 October 2007

Public holiday..

tdy is a public holiday.. but makes no different for me lol.. cos its a saturday ma.. n i m off on wkend de lol..  but hubby still got to work tdy.. heng his supervisor suggested half day work.. but will b goin lunch together first b4 comin back home... he was askin me whether to go with them or not.. since its sat n he is workin on sun again.. will not have much time to accompany me.. but i still ask him to go ahead lol.. jus dun wan him to feel left out... ask him to tao bao lunch for me le.. keke.. waitin for him to come back..

i was watchin a baby program jus now on channel U.. so envy the couple.. able to deco a room for their newborn.. how i wish i can oso.. some thk i reali feel so unfair for my hubby.. havin to live in with his parents..all becos of me.. we quarrel yty nite over this issue.. start all becos i ask him.. where sld we put the baby bed... we know tat our room is far too small to add on a new baby bed.. but... i reali hope to add in a small space for our new member.. he nvr reali tot of tat... n i continue to ask him abt where to keep all the baby's stuff etc etc... i know i m too much... keep goin on n on.. make him "blow up" n said " if only we can have our own flat.. all these not a problems liao lol..." i know wat he mean... cos i need to support my mum's hse.. tat cos us not able to get our own flat.. n he had to live in with his parent... but i didn admit my tot... i reply him " u sure u can afford the hse.. have the $$ for reno now etc etc " ... ... it jus continue... til the last sentence from him stop me " if ur mother place got space to put baby stuffs.. then move back lol.. "

i was hurt by tat sentence... wat i understand from tat sentence was... he is chasin me back home... i keep quiet... tryin to calm myself down.. tears starts rollin down... then he notice somethin is wrong... he apologise to me.. but he duno wat he had did tat hurt me.. i told him.. how i feel from tat sentence he say.. kekeke... then he started laughin.. while i still cryin leh.. *faint*... he say.. he mean WE move back my mother place together la... OOOOO ic ic... hehe ... i thk too much la...

thk we reali got to cut down from tat list of items we need to buy for newborn le,... too much item to follow from tat list... we reali got no space to put ALL the stuffs... reali need to plan le..


  1. hmm... planning for a baby is not easy. If his parents understand and your mum dun mind, good idea to move back to your mum's house. Just make an effort to visit your in laws more often so that they dun feel neglected.

  2. but my inlaw bought this new 4rm flat cos us gettin marry... n my brother had taken over my room at my mother place le ah.. if we reali move back.. i guess many ppl will no b happy de...

  3. hmm... a bit complicated.... I guess you guys will have to take a step at a time. I am dure things will work out fine in the end:)

  4. Simmer down.......
    Tai be listening all the while
    Mood swing during pregnancy very common, but try to calm down...dun get worked up...
    Especially when couples quarrel, dif party just want to win so din think of too much how the other party will feel or how they understand their msg pass across...
