Sunday 28 October 2007

My wkend with my Hubby

27 Oct 2007 Sat

when was the last time we can reali spend our wkend together.. i mean sat AND sun together... so long nvr reali plan for our outing on wkend le..

tdy.. we woke up early in the mornin.. i made sandwich for my hubby.. fried ham n cheese.. make coffee for him.. ate our breakfast at home.. then we head to Spore expo.. for the MPH book fair.. spend abt 3hrs there... tryin to search for nice books.. n we bought 5 books in total.. n spend less then $30.. tats worth...

after tat..he brought me to simei to eat lunch... a well recommended stall by him.. hehe.. so he jus bring me there to try it out.. cha sha rice.. which i find it not bad...

then we went to Kaki bukit to find the BB kingdom.. wana jus check the price out on the items tat we will need to buy.. i guess due to the hot weather... both of us reali got "heat" up.. n frustrated after goin few round n cldnt find the store... end up callin his fren again to check things out.. n ofcos.. we got quarrel a bit lol.. givin each other face... at first we wanted to go to bb hypermart oso... in the end.. i dun wan to go le... angry him la... hai..

went to ikea to shop.. compare price of their bb cots.. not reali much cheaper lol.. we jus shop a while n bought a weightin scale.. at only $4.90 i thk..

after tat we went back yishun... tot my mum wana cook steamboat.. but end up..she nvr cook.. we jus stay there for a while.. n happen hubby fren call.. again i got piss off by his conversation with his fren.. sort of say i kiasu..wan go shop for bb stuffs lol.. i scolded him rite in front of my mummy.. (i know i m bad)... n decided to go back fernvale... i insist not goin out for dinner.. n end up he got to ask his brother to tabao back for him... (tats how bad i can b) but he still share his dinner with me lol.. (i should feel guilty rite...)

28 Oct 2007 Sun

Hubby wake up very early in the mornin.. to attend to pepper lol.. bring him to toliet to piss.. then feed him ah.. after tat.. dear went out to buy breakfast for me... (so nice rite... hug n love him) he return home ar 7.30am.. i m still in my dreamland wo.. haha.. he jus quietly lay down on the bed.. beside me... when i open my eye.. hehe.. c him rite in front of me.. tellin me breakfast is ready le...

warm up the Nasi Lemak dear bought...  enjoy our breakfast.. plus dou hua.. n you tiao... wow.. i nvr know i can eat so much wo.. jus happily eatin...

after eating.. we head to Chong pang.. to make my spac... need a new per of spac le.. spend $150 on the new spac.. (price quite reasonable to me la..) then went to pick my brother n his gf.. to go to Farm Mart...

weather was reali bad.. so hot.. we shop ard the FarmMart... buy cracker to eat.. drink lots of soft drink... My brother wanted to treat Prawnin... so i buy him an hr to play lol... but ... haha.. we spend 1 hr n caught only ONE prawn lol... spend $13 for jus one prawn.. OMG.. isnt tat XXX.... then we went to the nearby sing siong to do some marketin... buy crabs..prawns... dear wana eat crab ma.. so got to buy home n let my mummy cook for him...

reach home by 4.30pm... rest.. ready magazine.. eat cracker n my Nacho.. hehe.. (cos hungry le ma.. nvr take lunch wo..)

enjoy my dinner with my family.. then wait for the time to send my brother back to camp...

reach home ard 9.45pm.. so happen to see Linda at the carpark... but nvr get to chat with her.. thk i m jus too shy ba.. hehe.. (sorry gal) but she is so nice to walk back to jus wave n say hi ... thk i reali very tired after the long day le.. hope she c my smile on tat tired face of my.. hehe

i reali enjoy my days with hubby... longin for him to accompany me ard... now got to wait for another wonder wkend to come le... mayb got to wait til after my exam le...


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