Friday 26 October 2007

How to shut up a crying baby!!!

This is cute.. guess all MTB can start to practice now..


  1. Haha this is really cute ! Must try on my baby too!

    Wonder if it works.. hehee

  2. must tell me if it works hor... keke.. i still haven got the chance to try yet...

  3. Looks like this will work!! Thanks for sharing this. I've forwarded to a fren who has a crying baby.. :p she will test it out for me.

    I think that sound is v simliar to the sound baby hears when he/she was still in mummies' belly... so it's comfortable to hear it. most babies calm down after hearing some 'white noise'

  4. amazing.... BUT how to make the sound?

  5. haha.. i oso duno how the sound is made wo.. wil need to wait for those who have tried to advice us le.. keke
