Friday 29 February 2008

M I soon?? or only a one time false alarm??

O my!!! tdy was a long day for me.. Esp jus b4 lunch time.. 12+pm.. i suddenly got this backache on my left side...

I tot it was my sitin position or been sitin for too long tat cos tat.. So jus ignore for the time being.. went lunch as usual... But after lunch.. everything started...

my pain come n go off.. i try to take timin of my pain.. but tats jus wasn as easy as wat we expect.. then pain can come sharp at one moment.. continue for a while.. duno when it go off.. n another round started b4 u notice... I start to sms hubby.. tot can go c gynae after work...

Hubby ask me to call the clinic to book appointment.. cant get thro their no. .. so i decide to sms Dr Adrian... Waited for sometime.. No reply.. try callin the clinic again.. n i was told.. Dr not in tdy.. @#^&$*%... nurse ask me to call Dr to check with him how...i decided to wait..

Pain got worst.. keep standin n bend body forward..doesn help.. heng dr call me.. i told him wat happen.. he advice to go home rest now.. mayb only backache.. not sign of labour yet.. n if got worst.. go straight to hospital...

Hubby come to fatch me after work.. tot i can stand the pain.. eat dinner first...

On our way home... i reali cant stand the pain le.. i vomited in his car.. tats when we decided to head to the hospital le...

Nurse check on my servo and i was told i m only a bit diluted.. monitor me on CTG.. experiencing contraction le.. n only 2-3min apart.. very painful.. wait on monitor for an hr plus..

then suddenly it jus stop le.. n i was given a choice to go home or stay n wait.. i decided to go home... dun wan to stay in bed all time.. nurse gave me ventolin table to eat.. n supply for next 3 days... hope it helps to relief my pain.. n blow my labour pain away ba... not so soon pls..

i m scare of the pain le... How to face it???

Tats me.. In pain le.. bb givin me rehearsal ba.. Trial run.. test of the pain...omg!!

Saturday 23 February 2008

Nothing is perfect!!!

Hubby workin OT today.. but i m not goin to b "foodless" today le.. hehe.. Hubby woke up early in the mornin to buy me breakfast n lunch. He woke up at 6am. His hp rang. Tot he will b too tired to get off bed. But surprisingly, he got up n went to Shunfu. Plan to buy me vegetrain beehoon, but haven open yet. So he end up with Nasi Lemak, Fried beehoon & Chu Cheong Fun. Tats a lot rite.

Yty, we went Compasspoint to borrow some book. On confinement recipe and some confinement do n dont. Tot my inlaw might need to refer to. Since we duno how much she know abt confinement. N she nvr mention anything.

I was a bit piss off by my hubby over very small issue la. It all happen when we were at the library le. But i kept quiet. He saw those book i found. As he flip thro the book, he keep tellin me..." this ginger u dun eat.. liver u dun eat... thk u jus eat fish soup everyday hao le la.." he got lots of such comment.. ... then he will say.. he duno his mum know how to cook these or tat or not.. if not.. then ask my mum to cook lol...

of cos i dun mind .. n loves to eat my mum cook.. but who is doin confinement for me now?? He cant expect his mum to quit job n sit at home jus to look after baby while ask my mum to do cookin while she is still workin rite. Once in a while, or durin wkend.. still reasonable ma.. cant b everyday rite.. if tats the case, i might as well go back my place to do my confinement lol. I told him how i feel. He got angry oso.

So we end up with some urguement last nite. I told him drink Red Date drink can help in prevent bb jaun. N i had bought some instant pack. I can start to drink some now. Then he tell me to buy more back to stock for confinement period. I was surprise. Tot during confinement, i wld expect my mil to boil red date tea for me. But hubby expect me to drink instant one. Too much rite. He jus duno how impt doin confinement is for a woman. How much "Bu" a woman need after givin birth lol. I insist tat he read the book i borrowed.

He tot confinement is jus a term. He can suggest to tabao herb soup from hawker for me or i jus eat bread or drink fish soup everyday. He duno confinement time cant bath or water hair w/o herb boilin water. He duno tat cant go directly under fan or aircon etc..

I somehow felt tat he is tryin to save work for his mother on my expense lol. Makin my confinement period as simple as possible n let his mum do as little work as possible. (YES!! i m jealous) tats unfair rite. I heard so much abt not doin good confinement n end up lots of problem in the future. N yet i m treated so unfair.

But i know he know how i feel le. N i m sure he will do something. At least i saw him reading those book last nite le.

Thursday 21 February 2008

AeroSpace 2008

Hubby went to c Air Show this afternoon.. He took many many pic to show me.. since i cant go.. Thks Dear

Wednesday 20 February 2008

On 3 days MC

I m given 3 days mc to rest at home.. will report back to work on monday..

was a bit bored on the 1st day (wed 20Feb) no doubt i sleep til 9+am n had my nap from 2+ to 4+.. the rest of the time i was surfin net.. chating with frens..

I was very glad tat my wonderful hubby went to tabao lunch for me. He works at Changi, went all the way to Shunfu to tabao my favourite vegetarian beehoon n come back Fernvale to give me. Then he rush back Changi to had his lunch n work. I feel so touch.

I waited for him to come home at abt 6pm. Then he bring me to AMK hawker to eat Yong Tou Fu. Tats our favourite stall. Something jus cross my mind. I asked him. If i have my sec or even third bb, will u still treat me so nice?? He paused. Tryin to change topic n dun reply me. Like i say b4, he is not tat kind of guy who will express himself well. Esp in words. But his action tells everything. I didn give up easily oso. I ask him again. N he reply " Hui La!! Hui La!!" Who care whether will tat reali happen in future, at least at tat moment i m hapi to hear tat.

Was watching Channel 8, 9pm show last nite. Got a scene when MC king's wife was so sure tat her husband wont betray her. N how MC King was caught in between tat mistress n wife when he come to know tat mistress was preg.... can c tat he know he had let his wife down but yet he cant let go of the mistress cos she is preg... i somehow wonder how many husband in real life kana caught in such situation? N is it always the wife who cant forgive the husband n give up on their marriage?? I reali got lots of QQQ pop out in my mind. Y Cant guy jus ctrl themselves n dun get into such situation?

I reali hope life after Baby Shawn is born will b jus like now. We will face watever challenges together. Wont quarrel over $$ matters. We will do our part to build up this family n wont let anyone destroy it. I promise i will but will he keep his promise???

DEAR: Pls, u must keep ur promise. From the moment u put tat ring on my finger, i know we r an item le. Sld not b separated by small issue. No matter wat we will do our best to bring the very best to our Baby Shawn rite!!! Loves u forever..

Tuesday 19 February 2008

HDB Appointment

Start:     Mar 3, '08 10:30a
Pay the first 5% downpayment..

Baby Shawn @ wk 36

i wasn in good mood last nite, hence didn update my blog after my gynae visit. Tats not the usual me. I m alway so excited n hapi after each visit but not yty. Y???

i guess partly is becos of the long waiting. I have nvr waited for so long like yty. Almost an hr wait. n then when it comes my turn, i felt so disappointed with the gynae n myself ba.

I did write a list of ques which i wanted to ask doctor. But end up i forgot everything once i got into his room. But heng i did ask a bit of these n tat.

I was surprise tat my baby didn gain much weight as compare to last visit. Now only 2560g. I was disappointed. But some how i felt tat doctor didn do the scan properly. He was in a hurry, even in answerin my ques. I ask abt my water level. He keep reply me 'okok.. everything is ok.. Baby is fine" Even my hubby felt tat the dr is like talkin to himself durin the scan. Hai.

tats not all. I left the room without askin abt the Bstrep test. When i went to do my urine test, some how i rmb i might need to do tat test. So i went back to ask the nurse. She wasn sure wat was expected. Hence i waited AGAIN, to enter the room to ask dr myself. He told me.. it wld b better if i do the test... (Then!!! y didn he mention a word in the first place.. i got piss off le) so i ask him then when sld i do since i m at wk 36 le. Not now then?? then he ask me i wan to do it now?? OF COS rite.. else y i come in to ask... @#%^*^+

We had our dinner at the foodcount n reach home almost 8.30pm le.. so late. Then something happen at home make me even more ANGRY ah. All becos of pepper. My FIL was eating the Samba Prawn roll on the floor. When i was goin for my bath, i saw pepper eating something. Til i got pepper, he almost eaten half of it le. THEN my fil say..." i drop tat on the floor n he took it..." THEN THEN!! y cant he jus take it from him. N tats Prawn stuff. I scare pepper will get allergy again. So i jus drag pepper back to his area n dun let him ran ard le..

i kept quiet thro out. (Jus Black Face la) Went to take my bath to calm myself down.

Mayb its jus not my day ba... (But dr given my 3 day MC to rest at home .. so i only need to go back work on Monday le.. YeaH!! i somehow wonder is it becos he notice something unsual.. n keep it from me.. so wan me to rest instead hor!!! Mayb i thk too much le )

12th Gynae visit

Start:     Mar 4, '08 6:15p
Is so near to my EDD le!!!

Sunday 17 February 2008

I PaSS!! So Hapi!!

i jus saw my result for my Dec07 exam. OMG!! i cant believe my eye. I PASS!!!

This audit paper i had retake many time.. thk this is my 4th take le.. n I pass in the first take after the new syslbem. I m so hapi. The one n only paper tat my baby accompany me to take. N i make it.

Thanks you Baby Shawn... U give me luck i guess.. keke

Thursday 14 February 2008

Our Valentine Day @ Mad Jack

Already so crowded when we arrived

This is our last valentine day with only the two of us le.. Next yr on.. Baby Shawn will b our "Light Bulb" le...

Sunday 10 February 2008

Our Chinese New Year of Rat

Went on Chu Er

Some Pic we took during our CNY... hehehe!! I know i sldnt walk so much n b in those crowded places... BuT... I jus cant stay at home ALL DAY...

Thursday 7 February 2008

Its Rats Year le!!

Golden piglet has left n here comes the Mickey/Minnie Mouse le...

I was not workin on New Year eve.. so was Hubby.. so we went Jalan Kayu for prata tat mornin.. not as crowded as we tot.. then after tat we went Tampines Giant to shop.. buy CNY deco.. guess gynae is rite.. i cant reali walk too long le.. i felt aching n tired easily now..

We went back home to rest n hubby deco the hse. Inlaw prepare food for reunion. while i help clean up the living room.

We didnt wait for everyone to start the reunion. As hubby siao yi n jiu jiu family are all coming over to eat. So we go ahead n eat first with his brother.

After tat we went back yishun to eat again.. hahaha.. but i didn eat much at inlaw place.. so i still enjoy my reunion with my mummy.

I slept til 10++ on Chu Yi.. hehe.. quickly wake hubby up. Get prepare n went back mummy place to eat. Went my jiujiu placen n Er yi place for visiting. then went back Yishun for dinner.

After dinner, we went hubby aunty place n his cousin place.

First year givin out ANg Bao. I was told by my hubby at Nite.. Mil told him, his cousin every year oso got give ang bao to them (PIL). Hint us tat we nvr give hubby uncle n aunt. I tot only need to give parents. So we miss out them. Hubby say since miss out then jus let it b lol.. we duno ma. So much rules to follow de. Different family got different practice.

Tdy is chu er le.. n holiday has pass almost half le.. so fast de...

Saturday 2 February 2008

Shopping Shopping shopping!!!

yty.. 2 Feb 2008..

we planned to go get this n tat.. but end up.. i still miss out some stuffs.. guess my memory getting low le.. we went AMK centre for our favourite Yong Dou Fu.. then we head to PS..

Hubby insist to get my a latest HP.. n we went to Starhub.. but i wasnt so kin to get a new phone.. since my current one is still working fine.. i feel is a waste of $$.. n baby coming soon.. worry of the $$ we will need to spend.. He was very firm at first.. got a Q no. etc.. til i reali voice out.. i guess my words was a bit hurting ba.. i felt sorry after tat.. but wat said cant take back le rite.. so no choice lol.. jus let him b angry n leave me alone,, poor me.. got to shop alone n he walk his way.. or jus follow behind me.. hai

but when we got to the children dept.. we started to look at the stroller.. n everything got back to normal le.. (hehe.. thk guy r nvr so siao qi as gal hor.. keke) we stay there for some time to chose... at first we tot of gettin the capella stroller.. cost nearly $300... tats light.. but hubby feel insecure with the weight.. say the whole thing is like breaking apart... so we chose another.. cheap n simple stroller from Lucky Baby.. as cheap as $99 only.. after discount..


tat reali save us lots of $$.. continue to shop for other stuff.. breast pad, diaper, etc etc...

after shoping.. we went to hanyi place to get some stuff.. he pass on some baby cloths n stuff to us.. including one BM pump.. which i reali need it if i m successfully.. (to bring to office when i start work) since my boss did mention abt postponed my third mth of maternity leave to year end.. so i guess if i reali wana BF.. i must make the effort to collect some BM during ofc hr le..