Saturday 23 February 2008

Nothing is perfect!!!

Hubby workin OT today.. but i m not goin to b "foodless" today le.. hehe.. Hubby woke up early in the mornin to buy me breakfast n lunch. He woke up at 6am. His hp rang. Tot he will b too tired to get off bed. But surprisingly, he got up n went to Shunfu. Plan to buy me vegetrain beehoon, but haven open yet. So he end up with Nasi Lemak, Fried beehoon & Chu Cheong Fun. Tats a lot rite.

Yty, we went Compasspoint to borrow some book. On confinement recipe and some confinement do n dont. Tot my inlaw might need to refer to. Since we duno how much she know abt confinement. N she nvr mention anything.

I was a bit piss off by my hubby over very small issue la. It all happen when we were at the library le. But i kept quiet. He saw those book i found. As he flip thro the book, he keep tellin me..." this ginger u dun eat.. liver u dun eat... thk u jus eat fish soup everyday hao le la.." he got lots of such comment.. ... then he will say.. he duno his mum know how to cook these or tat or not.. if not.. then ask my mum to cook lol...

of cos i dun mind .. n loves to eat my mum cook.. but who is doin confinement for me now?? He cant expect his mum to quit job n sit at home jus to look after baby while ask my mum to do cookin while she is still workin rite. Once in a while, or durin wkend.. still reasonable ma.. cant b everyday rite.. if tats the case, i might as well go back my place to do my confinement lol. I told him how i feel. He got angry oso.

So we end up with some urguement last nite. I told him drink Red Date drink can help in prevent bb jaun. N i had bought some instant pack. I can start to drink some now. Then he tell me to buy more back to stock for confinement period. I was surprise. Tot during confinement, i wld expect my mil to boil red date tea for me. But hubby expect me to drink instant one. Too much rite. He jus duno how impt doin confinement is for a woman. How much "Bu" a woman need after givin birth lol. I insist tat he read the book i borrowed.

He tot confinement is jus a term. He can suggest to tabao herb soup from hawker for me or i jus eat bread or drink fish soup everyday. He duno confinement time cant bath or water hair w/o herb boilin water. He duno tat cant go directly under fan or aircon etc..

I somehow felt tat he is tryin to save work for his mother on my expense lol. Makin my confinement period as simple as possible n let his mum do as little work as possible. (YES!! i m jealous) tats unfair rite. I heard so much abt not doin good confinement n end up lots of problem in the future. N yet i m treated so unfair.

But i know he know how i feel le. N i m sure he will do something. At least i saw him reading those book last nite le.


  1. dont be angry. man are like that. they know nothing confinement or much much less than our knowledge, although confinement is still a long way for me but when i told my hubby that i can't bathe during that period. he keep saying can lah. eso angry. i wish i will be very discipline during that 1 month, follow all the necessary rules.

  2. ya lol.. Manzzz.. they tot give birth very easy.. jus pop like tat lol.. confinement is jus a after birth stuff.. nothing much.. they jus duno how much we suffer n loss durin tat session.. hope he will gain some knowledge from those books..

  3. he is reading the books now, so tat is good lah :)
    but i think i will feel like how u did if it happens to me

    haha, hope my son next time so super filial :p

  4. at least ahz.. ur hubby will read the books.. mine haiz.. haha

  5. Guys r jus not senstive enough to understand how we feel.. Y??
