Saturday 2 February 2008

Shopping Shopping shopping!!!

yty.. 2 Feb 2008..

we planned to go get this n tat.. but end up.. i still miss out some stuffs.. guess my memory getting low le.. we went AMK centre for our favourite Yong Dou Fu.. then we head to PS..

Hubby insist to get my a latest HP.. n we went to Starhub.. but i wasnt so kin to get a new phone.. since my current one is still working fine.. i feel is a waste of $$.. n baby coming soon.. worry of the $$ we will need to spend.. He was very firm at first.. got a Q no. etc.. til i reali voice out.. i guess my words was a bit hurting ba.. i felt sorry after tat.. but wat said cant take back le rite.. so no choice lol.. jus let him b angry n leave me alone,, poor me.. got to shop alone n he walk his way.. or jus follow behind me.. hai

but when we got to the children dept.. we started to look at the stroller.. n everything got back to normal le.. (hehe.. thk guy r nvr so siao qi as gal hor.. keke) we stay there for some time to chose... at first we tot of gettin the capella stroller.. cost nearly $300... tats light.. but hubby feel insecure with the weight.. say the whole thing is like breaking apart... so we chose another.. cheap n simple stroller from Lucky Baby.. as cheap as $99 only.. after discount..


tat reali save us lots of $$.. continue to shop for other stuff.. breast pad, diaper, etc etc...

after shoping.. we went to hanyi place to get some stuff.. he pass on some baby cloths n stuff to us.. including one BM pump.. which i reali need it if i m successfully.. (to bring to office when i start work) since my boss did mention abt postponed my third mth of maternity leave to year end.. so i guess if i reali wana BF.. i must make the effort to collect some BM during ofc hr le..

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