Tuesday 19 February 2008

HDB Appointment

Start:     Mar 3, '08 10:30a
Pay the first 5% downpayment..


  1. where r u moving to, pay how much for how many room..

    i very kpo hor :p

  2. not kpo la.. i got a build to order unit at Fernvale Vista 2.. 4rm de.. cost abt $188,200. Got to pay 5% upfront lol

  3. 4 room for $188k is consider cheap right?

  4. at current market.. i thk so.. i was told fernvale vista was the last batch of bto selling at tat price.. after tat project r more x le

  5. good to know that you got a good deal.

  6. hehe.. thks.. but tat plot of land is a green land ah.. long waitin for us lox

  7. wow... 4 room for 188K. Is it a condo? Sorry I abit mountain cos stay in the west....

  8. not Condo la.. jus HDB.. I chose a unit on the #19 ma.. so $ a bit higher then the old mkt rate ba..

  9. I see I see... cos I bought my 5-room in Jurong from HDB 3 years back where Property was super low (nobody wana buy) and got it at 189K #10. But as everyone knows, Jurong West is not a popular location at all...

  10. icic.. oso BTO?? my is at sengkang area.. near jalan kayu side.. oso a bit off town area.. but tat place not so crowded... more slow movin ba.. :)

  11. not BTO, my area was SO unpopular that, when I moved it, my next door neighbour had already been here for 2 to 3 years! and worst... NOW that I am here for 3 years going 4th already, MY next 4 doors only just got occupied! (BUT my flat here is different, we only have 6 units on each level where 2 are 5-rooms & the other 4 are "6-rooms" or they call EC or something.. bigger)

  12. Tat BTO i book oso has only 6 unit per level.. most BTO project or flat in sengkang has only 4 to 6 units per lvl sharing 2 or 3 lift le.. no longer like those old flat with many corridoor unit le..

    not bad to have less neighbour ma.. hehe.. u can have the whole lvl to urself wo.. keke

  13. but my new neighbours.. out of all, got a super unfriendly ah peh. which I realise before he even offically moved into the flat, already holding some "fineral" at the void deck downstairs, then his relatives can come visit him and curse at my dog just within the month that he moved in and... he's unit is at the other end of the lift WHICH was impossible to even have to walk pass mine. I count myself suay after 3 years of staying here to have such monkey moving in...

  14. keke.. monkey?? ya i agreed havin good neighbour is very impt.. esp if u need to c them everyday hor.. new estate neighbour r not as friendly as old estate.. they seldom greet each other n door r always shut.. til now i still duno how many ppl live beside my inlaw hse.. after stayin here for abt 8mths le.. keke

  15. my neighbours alot of from China now...
