Friday 29 February 2008

M I soon?? or only a one time false alarm??

O my!!! tdy was a long day for me.. Esp jus b4 lunch time.. 12+pm.. i suddenly got this backache on my left side...

I tot it was my sitin position or been sitin for too long tat cos tat.. So jus ignore for the time being.. went lunch as usual... But after lunch.. everything started...

my pain come n go off.. i try to take timin of my pain.. but tats jus wasn as easy as wat we expect.. then pain can come sharp at one moment.. continue for a while.. duno when it go off.. n another round started b4 u notice... I start to sms hubby.. tot can go c gynae after work...

Hubby ask me to call the clinic to book appointment.. cant get thro their no. .. so i decide to sms Dr Adrian... Waited for sometime.. No reply.. try callin the clinic again.. n i was told.. Dr not in tdy.. @#^&$*%... nurse ask me to call Dr to check with him how...i decided to wait..

Pain got worst.. keep standin n bend body forward..doesn help.. heng dr call me.. i told him wat happen.. he advice to go home rest now.. mayb only backache.. not sign of labour yet.. n if got worst.. go straight to hospital...

Hubby come to fatch me after work.. tot i can stand the pain.. eat dinner first...

On our way home... i reali cant stand the pain le.. i vomited in his car.. tats when we decided to head to the hospital le...

Nurse check on my servo and i was told i m only a bit diluted.. monitor me on CTG.. experiencing contraction le.. n only 2-3min apart.. very painful.. wait on monitor for an hr plus..

then suddenly it jus stop le.. n i was given a choice to go home or stay n wait.. i decided to go home... dun wan to stay in bed all time.. nurse gave me ventolin table to eat.. n supply for next 3 days... hope it helps to relief my pain.. n blow my labour pain away ba... not so soon pls..

i m scare of the pain le... How to face it???

Tats me.. In pain le.. bb givin me rehearsal ba.. Trial run.. test of the pain...omg!!


  1. Wow, gal... that is scary... is it too early for you to start experiencing labour pain? You are in which week now?

  2. no reali earli le la.. i m in my 37wk 3d le.. can pop anytime le la.. but i dun wan now leh...

  3. wow... contraction for so long and interval of 2-3 min for the whole hour... tats terrible. poor ger. yeah full term liao. gotta be prepared. jia you jia you hope labour is ok for u. if cannot tong then opt of epidural ba, dun be like mi tahan these contractions for 24 hours and ask for it and it ran out before labour. its terrible!

  4. i reali hope i can tahan the pain n avoid using epidural...

  5. :) jia you! hope u will have a short & smooth delivery
