Sunday 10 February 2008

Our Chinese New Year of Rat

Went on Chu Er

Some Pic we took during our CNY... hehehe!! I know i sldnt walk so much n b in those crowded places... BuT... I jus cant stay at home ALL DAY...


  1. that nice top is fr Carrrano :) i wanted to buy too if not for the clothes stacking up :p

    hehe, u r looking good..and gungho to go river ang bao

  2. btw, this top is very misleading..wgen i wear it a month ago in the shop, i look even BIGGER :p

  3. haha.. yaya from Carrano ... i reali look 'big' in it hor.. but i m reali 'big' le lor.. gain abt 14kg le..
