Wednesday 20 February 2008

On 3 days MC

I m given 3 days mc to rest at home.. will report back to work on monday..

was a bit bored on the 1st day (wed 20Feb) no doubt i sleep til 9+am n had my nap from 2+ to 4+.. the rest of the time i was surfin net.. chating with frens..

I was very glad tat my wonderful hubby went to tabao lunch for me. He works at Changi, went all the way to Shunfu to tabao my favourite vegetarian beehoon n come back Fernvale to give me. Then he rush back Changi to had his lunch n work. I feel so touch.

I waited for him to come home at abt 6pm. Then he bring me to AMK hawker to eat Yong Tou Fu. Tats our favourite stall. Something jus cross my mind. I asked him. If i have my sec or even third bb, will u still treat me so nice?? He paused. Tryin to change topic n dun reply me. Like i say b4, he is not tat kind of guy who will express himself well. Esp in words. But his action tells everything. I didn give up easily oso. I ask him again. N he reply " Hui La!! Hui La!!" Who care whether will tat reali happen in future, at least at tat moment i m hapi to hear tat.

Was watching Channel 8, 9pm show last nite. Got a scene when MC king's wife was so sure tat her husband wont betray her. N how MC King was caught in between tat mistress n wife when he come to know tat mistress was preg.... can c tat he know he had let his wife down but yet he cant let go of the mistress cos she is preg... i somehow wonder how many husband in real life kana caught in such situation? N is it always the wife who cant forgive the husband n give up on their marriage?? I reali got lots of QQQ pop out in my mind. Y Cant guy jus ctrl themselves n dun get into such situation?

I reali hope life after Baby Shawn is born will b jus like now. We will face watever challenges together. Wont quarrel over $$ matters. We will do our part to build up this family n wont let anyone destroy it. I promise i will but will he keep his promise???

DEAR: Pls, u must keep ur promise. From the moment u put tat ring on my finger, i know we r an item le. Sld not b separated by small issue. No matter wat we will do our best to bring the very best to our Baby Shawn rite!!! Loves u forever..

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