Tuesday 19 February 2008

Baby Shawn @ wk 36

i wasn in good mood last nite, hence didn update my blog after my gynae visit. Tats not the usual me. I m alway so excited n hapi after each visit but not yty. Y???

i guess partly is becos of the long waiting. I have nvr waited for so long like yty. Almost an hr wait. n then when it comes my turn, i felt so disappointed with the gynae n myself ba.

I did write a list of ques which i wanted to ask doctor. But end up i forgot everything once i got into his room. But heng i did ask a bit of these n tat.

I was surprise tat my baby didn gain much weight as compare to last visit. Now only 2560g. I was disappointed. But some how i felt tat doctor didn do the scan properly. He was in a hurry, even in answerin my ques. I ask abt my water level. He keep reply me 'okok.. everything is ok.. Baby is fine" Even my hubby felt tat the dr is like talkin to himself durin the scan. Hai.

tats not all. I left the room without askin abt the Bstrep test. When i went to do my urine test, some how i rmb i might need to do tat test. So i went back to ask the nurse. She wasn sure wat was expected. Hence i waited AGAIN, to enter the room to ask dr myself. He told me.. it wld b better if i do the test... (Then!!! y didn he mention a word in the first place.. i got piss off le) so i ask him then when sld i do since i m at wk 36 le. Not now then?? then he ask me i wan to do it now?? OF COS rite.. else y i come in to ask... @#%^*^+

We had our dinner at the foodcount n reach home almost 8.30pm le.. so late. Then something happen at home make me even more ANGRY ah. All becos of pepper. My FIL was eating the Samba Prawn roll on the floor. When i was goin for my bath, i saw pepper eating something. Til i got pepper, he almost eaten half of it le. THEN my fil say..." i drop tat on the floor n he took it..." THEN THEN!! y cant he jus take it from him. N tats Prawn stuff. I scare pepper will get allergy again. So i jus drag pepper back to his area n dun let him ran ard le..

i kept quiet thro out. (Jus Black Face la) Went to take my bath to calm myself down.

Mayb its jus not my day ba... (But dr given my 3 day MC to rest at home .. so i only need to go back work on Monday le.. YeaH!! i somehow wonder is it becos he notice something unsual.. n keep it from me.. so wan me to rest instead hor!!! Mayb i thk too much le )


  1. confirm think too much :) dun worry, nothing wrong..just tat we are heavily pregnant and needs more rest lah :) so he gave u 3 days of MC

  2. ya.. i must b thkin too much.. sld jus enjoy my MC n rest .. keke

  3. is it evr visit to gynae they ll give mc? wah so nice leh.. =P

  4. not every visit la.. but u can ask for it if u need rest..

    my gynae visit is normally after work.. so i dun need mc to cover.. but my fren gynae is in kkh.. so she alway ask for MC to cover tat day work

  5. Don't worry, everything will be ok. Just rest , try to walk and do some simple yoga it will be easy to give birth.

  6. thks abrial.. now i try to rest n sleep as much as possible after i read somewhere... i slp bb can grow better.. keke.. hope tat works...
