Saturday 29 March 2008

Shawn gettin Noti le.. :(

Jus manage to put Shawn to bed after 40min feeding..

Nowadays is so difficult to make Shawn sleep after feeding.. he keep crying..diaper clean oso cry..feed le still cry.. keep cryin for carry.. hai.. i feel so tired at time...

how to make my life more interesting..then jus feeding,changing diaper... aiyo..

i enjoy every mornin when i wake up.. Shawn sleeping beside me.. eye wide open.. looking at me.. so sweet in the mornin.. yet afternoon.. he can turn into a monster.. cry til no sound..

thk mil got my hint tat day.. when i tok to Shawn in front of her.. say Shawn noti.. keep cryin for carry le.. since those days i was doin massage..when mil look after bb.. she keep carry him whenevery he cry.. then after tat.. Shawn start to make noise le.. esp in the afternoon n even nite time.. i got a bit piss off at first.. but hubby say jus carry lol.. since mil dun mind.. as she will b the caretaker in future.. she dun mind bb keep askin to carry.. then y we scare...

i only scare she cant handle bb alone in future when i go back to work ah.. cos now.. every day.. mornin i bf bb le.. pass to her to bath ... then all the way i look after bb le... she only bath bb n cook for me at the moment.. she already like cant handle le.. when bb cry to change dosser.. she got very kan cheong.. keep askin me this n tat.. i got worry if bb is alone with her lol..

but i tell myself.. since she can bring up two son.. i sldn worry so much la.. she can make it de...

back to mil got my hint... she start to ignore us yty le.. for the whole day.. she jus dun bother to look at bb other then bathin.. even bb cry.. i insist dun carry him.. she oso dun look at jus.. jus sit at the sofa reading her paper... m i too sensitive... she is offended?? but i reali dun like the idea of bb keep cryin for carry ma.. then in future.. if mil need to carry bb all day long.. she cant do other thing le lol... c him cry til like tat..tot i not heart pain meh...

tdy sunday.. hubby promise to look after bb de.. but.. he jus got scare off when c bb cry ah.. i understand not easy for a guy to handle bb..esp when Shawn is on total breast feedin... but.. i need support ma..


Tuesday 25 March 2008

Shawn upon birth on 12 Mar 2008

Little Shawn first video clip.. when he was born @ Mt A

Shawn after bath

I jus loves this video clip.. is my favourite :)

My days with Shawn

i decided to skip my afternoon nap with Shawn n start to update my blog.. esp load those pic into com...

Baby Shawn is 14days old le.. Jaundice is still there but gettin better i thk.. I start on my massage since last wk.. decide to go for 5 sessions will do.. (Tryin to save $$$ .. Hehe..) enjoy the massage expect for the oil tat i got to endure... jus felt so oily after the session..

These nites, Shawn is gettin better le.. at least i still manage to sleep at nite.. by keep him to sleep by my side.. n when ever he starts to cry.. i will pop in to breastfeed him.. hence.. i lost count of the timin i m feedin him at nite le.. hehehe.. ( wonder m i doin the rite thing ah??? )

I m still tryin to monitor his feeding time.. hopin to come out with a fixed timin to feed him.. but somehow not easy lol.. i can feel tat his needs for more milk is increasing le.. i jus hope i can meet his need.. cos i reali dun wan to use FM.. ( Any experience mummy can advice??)

Confinement can nvr b enjoyable ba.. i guess.. at least for myself la.. but i still break the rule n start bathin usin the herb water la.. n if u r eating the same dish everyday.. will tat make life even worst.. hahaha!!! tats wat happenin to me now  but i jus keep tellin myself.. jus take this as a diet meal lol.. help me to loss as much weight as possible ba..

B4 i went into the delivery suit.. i got my weight taken.. 70.5kg.. nearly fainted.. hahaha.. i nvr tot i will hit 70 lol.. but no choice le.. til today.. i jus weight myself.. i m 59kg le.. i have 6 more kg to loss to get back my pre preg weight le..

went to c gynae yty .. n took tat opportunity to shop a bit la.. bought a waist trimmer belt from watson.. @ only $7.90.. hehe.. hope tat works for me.. i use to wear tat n go joggin de.. n it reali make me sweat.. so after my confinement.. i plan to do tat again.. keke.. hopin to loss as much weight as possible ba...

so much to write.. tot i can update my daily life durin confinement... on Shawn growth.. but reali hardly have time to log on these days le... still tryin hard to b a good mummy of Shawn ...


Friday 21 March 2008

Life after Shawn arrival

I m reali busy taking care of BB Shawn.. sleepless nite.. cos i insist breastfeeding bb.. still haven give up to formula milk... hope i reali can endure n not b affected by others...

bb went to c PD Lilian Lim @ Rivervale Mall on 17 Mar..was told bb has gain weight le.. from discharge weighted at 3kg on Fri 14 Mar.. til on 17 Mar.. he is 3.25kg le.. so hapi to know tat he is feedin well... was told tat his jaundice is goin up le.. bb at 1 wk old is the peak period of jaundice... but no blood test is required yet.. jus sun bath bb every mornin n evening will do...

Went back to PD on thur... His jaundic gettin worst le.. did a blood test.. n result will b out by 2pm.. if is more then 15.. he will need to admit to hospital... luckly.. result come out to 13.1 he is still save,,.. jus sun bath him will do for the moment...

tml will b his next appointment to c doc lim... hope his jaundice lvl has gone down le.. pray hard... i m workin hard to feedin him well every day.. take care of him... hope to c him grow up well..

we discharge from Mt A on 14 Mar.. Shawn took the blood test n was luckly tat he is only at 9.8 .. if he hit lvl 10.. he will not b able to go home with mummy le.. i was so kan cheong tat mornin.. so glad he can b home with me...

have lots of stuff to update here.. but limited time only ah.. jus breastfeed Shawn.. he has fallen asleep le.. i must oso quickly sleep.. else in 2 hrs time.. he will wake up for next feedin le.. which will last abt 1 hr ..


The Lady Ward 324A

This where i stay @ Mt A.. i was luckly.. book 4 bedded room.. but end up in two bedded.. somemore.. the other bed was empty for my 2nd day...

Pic of Shawn

i try to take as many pic as possible of Shawn daily.. to note down his changes everyday...

12 March 2008 - A day tat change my life

Some pic of tat day i deliver Baby Shawn

Monday 17 March 2008

Shawn Born le

Start:     Mar 12, '08 3:30p
@ 3.24kg Mt A , Admit to The Lady Ward 324A
50cm long, Head 35cm

Life can nvr b the same AGAIN!!

Life will nvr b like b4... shawn come into this world.. currently on confinement.. n tryin hard to total breastfeed Shawn.. Reali not easy lol.. no wonder so many ppl give up.. i need to feed him so often.. with abt 1-2hr interval n feed for abt 1hr lol.. so tiring.. esp at nite.. i only get to slp at the most 2hrs each nite.. n day time.. i need to feed him.. need to pump out to prevent engorgement.. but i still enjoy having Shawn latch on me.. Lookin at him.. n thk back how he is like in my tummy.. so amazing lol.. i m carry my Baby shawn le.. rite in front of me..

Shawn: Daddy n Mummy Love you.. Thanks for givin mummy this smooth n fast delivery.. with not much sufferin i sld say.. other than the unavoidable contraction pain la..

Shawn's Birth story

Pic of Shawn Yap Yong Xian @ Day 5 (16 Mar 08)

I was ask to go for induce by gynae due to my harden tummy for sometime n i was worry with reduce in infant movement.. Hence i agree to admit on wed mornin...

8.40am > arrive at MAH.. call up my gynae.. I was instructed to go into delivery suit to get myself admit first..

9am > nurses help me to clear my bowel n shave me..

9.30am > i was put on ctg to monitor my contraction n bb heartbeat.. Nurse put me on drip n antibiotic.. Cos i m tested positive on GABS..

10.15am > dr adrian come in to burst my water bag..

10.30am > can feel the contraction.. But still can take it..

12nn > start to feel the strong contraction le.. Rely on laughin gas.. N got the tight injection.. Was told it need 20min for tat painkiller to work..

12.30pm > pain gettin worst le.. Did a cervix check.. 4cm dilated ONLY.. I almost cry.. Holdin on to hubby n die die refuse to let him go for lunch..

1.15pm > i started usin the laughin gas NONSTOP.. Keepin my eyes close.. Hubby fannin me.. (delivery was not as cold as wat i was told leh)

2.15pm > still on laughin gas.. Eyes close.. Hubby quietly went lunch.. Cos nurse told him i abt to give birth soon le..

2.50pm > i reali feel like pushin so badly.. Nurse did another cervix check.. 10cm le.. I was ask to push to bring bb toward into the birth canal.. Hubby say can c bb head le.. But i was ask to stop there.. Dun push..

3.10pm > dr arrive.. Got dress up.. Ask me to start pushin if i wan on next contraction pain..

3.27pm > With one push.. Shawn was out le.. (i refuse to give up on tat first push.. Think of the pain i still need to carry on if i let go tat push.. Phew)

Started bf in the suit.. Was then push to The Lady ward 324 after an hr..

I notice i got problem passing urine tat nite.. N a tube was insert to me to let out urine.. Guess i reali push too hard le.. Hehe..


Tuesday 11 March 2008

Wonder how long will Shawn take to arrive?

Went to see Dr Adrian jus now... tdy is the first n only time hubby didn make it to our last visit..

I took LRT to meet Hubby at Compasspoint. But bcos of the accident at Loyang area, the messy jam, Bus delay.. Hubby cant make it to accompany me to see Dr Adrian. I insist to wait for him at first. Cos i reali scare doc will wan me to make some decision which i hope hubby can b ard to decide oso. But after so long waiting, he ask me to go ahead first. He reali duno how long will he take.

I went in myself. Told doc abt my concern tat my tummy alway so hard n sometime i hardly feel baby moving. Reali duno whether has bb movement reduce or wat.. He ask me bb got move at least 10 time per day. i didn reali go n count how many time bb move per day. Tats y i wori ba. Then doc do a scan on baby. He say my water lvl good. I ask him abt bb arrival date. He say most like b4 EDD. Then i highlight to him abt his suggestion on inducing on my last visit. He somehow still advice on admitin to hospital n have my water bag burst to increase my contraction n give birth. So he ask me to admit TOMORROW!!! Morning 8.30 - 9am meet me at MtA.

He ask me whether M i ready?? i didn ans him, Jus smile back. I reali duno m i ready to handle the pain tat i m expecting.

Told hubby abt it. He was very encouragin. Keep tellin me dun wori, he will b beside me all the way.. tell me to relax etc etc..

So tonite will b last nite with bb Shawn in me le.. Tml will b a big day for us. I will b promoted to someone's Mummy n Seng will b someone's Daddy. N we will b meetin our son. I will bravely face the challenge tml. Jus for our son!!!

BB Shawn: Pls dun give mummy a hard time tml k. I will do my best to bring u into the world.

Sunday 9 March 2008

I m still on the waiting list!!

O Ya!! i m still waiting here.. still on the waiting list..

tot doc say i might pop anytime le.. yet y m i still here.. is it becos.. bb's daddy ask bb to wait... cos he dun wan to take long leave so soon.. he jus move to new dept..

I ask Shawn's daddy is he ready le.. can bb pop le.. he tell bb..can le.. So... i wonder will bb reali listen to Daddy words n come out to c us this wk??

Then i ask myself.. M i reali for the "PAIN"??? i start to forget how the pain was reali like le.. mayb i m not as weak as i tot... I can take it de rite... YES!! for BB Shawn.. i believe i can de.. since everyone else can.. Y cant i?? (He He... Acting brave ah... ke ke!!)

13th Gynae visit

Start:     Mar 11, '08 6:15p
Will Doc advice me to induce again?? A bit scare to c doc these days.. haha... n the cervix check.. reali very uncomfortable de lol..

Wednesday 5 March 2008

1st day of maternity leave

Today is my first day of maternity leave le. But i took mc yty oso. So i started resting at home since yty. My maternity leave will end in 2nd wk of May, which is only 2mth. Had discussed with boss. He want me to take the 3rd mth end of the year since currently is our peak period. I agreed.

Last nite i got the horrible backache AGAIN. N this time is on both side of my back. N my tummy got harden, like rock. Reali cant tell is it contraction or not le. Feel so discomfort. Cant get to slp well whole nite. Woke up 5 time to pee. Notice lots of dischg n somethin which i believe is mucus plug. A bit brownish n looks like 'Pi Ti" stuff.

Hubby report work to new dept this wk n he had a hard time adaptin to the new work place. So poor thing. Can c he didn slp well at nite oso. Tat y i dun wake him up to massage for me even my aching was bad. Hope hubby will adapt soon n back to his normal self.

Starting to wonder when will BB shawn wana c daddy n mummy ??? Will it b a surprise?? Or...

Sunday 2 March 2008


i jus come back from gynae check up. My appointment was suppose to b tml. But since i m on leave tdy n due to Fri incident, we decided to c him today.

Baby Shawn is 3245g @ current 37wk 5d... n i m 2cm diluted.. Doctor said since i m having the contraction now.. which is sign of early labour.. i can admit to hospital anytime.. get induce n give birth le... If i reali cant taken the disturbing contraction now... can go in anytime if i wan... i was a bit scared.. First ques i ask was... 'Must i go in NOW??? Can i still wait???" Luckly dr say bb is still doing fine in my tummy.. if i wana wait.. oso can.. all up to me to decide...

Of cos i wan to c bb Shawn ... but i oso hope to let thing happen naturally... dun need to induce... unless the pain reali get unbearable.. mayb i will go in ba...

N partly oso due to Hubby movin to new dept ma.. not nice to take leave b4 reporting to work rite.. at least let him settle down... then take block leave..

Another issue... i m tested positive for the GBS... a bit disappointed at first.. but luckly i ask abt the test n chose to take the test... else.. duno will bb kana... but Dr reali give me confident tat bb wont get affected... tell me jus take the antibiotic n we will b fine.. somehow.. i jus trust him.. n dun reali wori abt this...


Will these b my last wkend... walkin ard with my big tummy???

I wonder will this b the last wkend i get to walk abt... with BB Shawn in me??? Let jus c...

Was told by mil tat we might need another fitting sheet.. hence we went down to AMK centre to get another sheet.. n had our breakfast cum lunch there.. we reach AMK quite early.. ard 9plus.. got a good parkin lots.. n decided to shop a while...

went AMK Hub... hubby saw the HelloShop.. all the while wanted to get me a new HP... n he reali got it tdy... (N we r now few hundred $$ poorer lol) ... we decided on N82.. since we like to have a phone with good Cam... so this is wat suits us..

I suggested hubby to use the new phone while i use his Sony Erison.. but he insist i use this phone.. n he will get himself another one when his contract ended... i jus dun feel the need to own a new phone at the time being.. since i will b goin to b 'jail' at home for at least a mth.. wats the need for hp?? he say i can use it to take lots of bb pic then... ok!!!

hubby goin into his new position on tue.. i know he is quite worry n nervous.. wondering if he can adapt to the new environment.. new dept.. new ppl.. but i believe he can do it.. after all.. he is my Mr Nice guy lol... not a problem mixin ard de.. (Dear ... ah yen supportin u here.. dun worri k)

Little shawn bein very active these two days.. after tat 'false alarm'... (i suppose) ... esp now.. movin.. n i can feel the contraction movin on.. i wonder can he wait til i sign on the HDB docu tml... then decide to pop after... can ba??? since no 'show' n water bag burst yet... thk he still can tahan...

Will b goin to c Dr Adrain tml afternoon.. if i can make it after the HDB appointment... else will c him on tue... jus like to find out from him.. wat happen on friday... y i got such strong contraction out of sudden... yet i haven pop leh?? is tat wat we call false alarm???