Wednesday 5 March 2008

1st day of maternity leave

Today is my first day of maternity leave le. But i took mc yty oso. So i started resting at home since yty. My maternity leave will end in 2nd wk of May, which is only 2mth. Had discussed with boss. He want me to take the 3rd mth end of the year since currently is our peak period. I agreed.

Last nite i got the horrible backache AGAIN. N this time is on both side of my back. N my tummy got harden, like rock. Reali cant tell is it contraction or not le. Feel so discomfort. Cant get to slp well whole nite. Woke up 5 time to pee. Notice lots of dischg n somethin which i believe is mucus plug. A bit brownish n looks like 'Pi Ti" stuff.

Hubby report work to new dept this wk n he had a hard time adaptin to the new work place. So poor thing. Can c he didn slp well at nite oso. Tat y i dun wake him up to massage for me even my aching was bad. Hope hubby will adapt soon n back to his normal self.

Starting to wonder when will BB shawn wana c daddy n mummy ??? Will it b a surprise?? Or...


  1. hi sweetie, rest well ..... i think abt time liao ..... do update us ya.... meanwhile lying down on bed as much as possible

  2. somehow lyin on the bed doesn help in my backache leh.. funny hor..

    i was quite wori last nite.. woke up in the middle of the nite.. cos tummy reali so hard.. i hardly feel bb movin.. i jus sit on the bed for few min.. tok to bb.. ask bb to move to let me feel him.. til he give me a light kick.. then i dare to go back to slp lol.. silly me.. wonder will he feel stress with this harden tummy...hai

  3. is BH so i think not of a problem ...... if BB no kick u pet pet ur tummy thats what I do especially at the 3rd trimester .... cos at this stage a bit scare cos they grow liao mah so if i dun feel her i will pet my tummy to wake her up heehee ... now leh her turn to wake me up in the middle of the night hahaha
