Saturday 29 March 2008

Shawn gettin Noti le.. :(

Jus manage to put Shawn to bed after 40min feeding..

Nowadays is so difficult to make Shawn sleep after feeding.. he keep crying..diaper clean oso cry..feed le still cry.. keep cryin for carry.. hai.. i feel so tired at time...

how to make my life more interesting..then jus feeding,changing diaper... aiyo..

i enjoy every mornin when i wake up.. Shawn sleeping beside me.. eye wide open.. looking at me.. so sweet in the mornin.. yet afternoon.. he can turn into a monster.. cry til no sound..

thk mil got my hint tat day.. when i tok to Shawn in front of her.. say Shawn noti.. keep cryin for carry le.. since those days i was doin massage..when mil look after bb.. she keep carry him whenevery he cry.. then after tat.. Shawn start to make noise le.. esp in the afternoon n even nite time.. i got a bit piss off at first.. but hubby say jus carry lol.. since mil dun mind.. as she will b the caretaker in future.. she dun mind bb keep askin to carry.. then y we scare...

i only scare she cant handle bb alone in future when i go back to work ah.. cos now.. every day.. mornin i bf bb le.. pass to her to bath ... then all the way i look after bb le... she only bath bb n cook for me at the moment.. she already like cant handle le.. when bb cry to change dosser.. she got very kan cheong.. keep askin me this n tat.. i got worry if bb is alone with her lol..

but i tell myself.. since she can bring up two son.. i sldn worry so much la.. she can make it de...

back to mil got my hint... she start to ignore us yty le.. for the whole day.. she jus dun bother to look at bb other then bathin.. even bb cry.. i insist dun carry him.. she oso dun look at jus.. jus sit at the sofa reading her paper... m i too sensitive... she is offended?? but i reali dun like the idea of bb keep cryin for carry ma.. then in future.. if mil need to carry bb all day long.. she cant do other thing le lol... c him cry til like tat..tot i not heart pain meh...

tdy sunday.. hubby promise to look after bb de.. but.. he jus got scare off when c bb cry ah.. i understand not easy for a guy to handle bb..esp when Shawn is on total breast feedin... but.. i need support ma..



  1. i also scare to let mil look after bb in the future, as we really cant talk anythg if we have diff method of look after bb. try to let ur hubby talk to her bah.. let her noe u just concern her when she handle bb alone in the future.

  2. keep one eyes close ... sigh initially i oso scare .... but no choice now .... so bo bian loh

    BB cry dun immediately carry let bb cry awhile then carry ... should be ok de ... try singing to bb think it will helps to calm bb down :)

  3. Breast feeding not easy, if you can, thats very good. At least feed him for 1/2 a year. That requires your determination. Dont give up. Jia you.
    Did you put some music for him to listen, that may helps to calm him too. You take care, dont let him cry too much, will get colic de.
