Monday 17 March 2008

Shawn's Birth story

Pic of Shawn Yap Yong Xian @ Day 5 (16 Mar 08)

I was ask to go for induce by gynae due to my harden tummy for sometime n i was worry with reduce in infant movement.. Hence i agree to admit on wed mornin...

8.40am > arrive at MAH.. call up my gynae.. I was instructed to go into delivery suit to get myself admit first..

9am > nurses help me to clear my bowel n shave me..

9.30am > i was put on ctg to monitor my contraction n bb heartbeat.. Nurse put me on drip n antibiotic.. Cos i m tested positive on GABS..

10.15am > dr adrian come in to burst my water bag..

10.30am > can feel the contraction.. But still can take it..

12nn > start to feel the strong contraction le.. Rely on laughin gas.. N got the tight injection.. Was told it need 20min for tat painkiller to work..

12.30pm > pain gettin worst le.. Did a cervix check.. 4cm dilated ONLY.. I almost cry.. Holdin on to hubby n die die refuse to let him go for lunch..

1.15pm > i started usin the laughin gas NONSTOP.. Keepin my eyes close.. Hubby fannin me.. (delivery was not as cold as wat i was told leh)

2.15pm > still on laughin gas.. Eyes close.. Hubby quietly went lunch.. Cos nurse told him i abt to give birth soon le..

2.50pm > i reali feel like pushin so badly.. Nurse did another cervix check.. 10cm le.. I was ask to push to bring bb toward into the birth canal.. Hubby say can c bb head le.. But i was ask to stop there.. Dun push..

3.10pm > dr arrive.. Got dress up.. Ask me to start pushin if i wan on next contraction pain..

3.27pm > With one push.. Shawn was out le.. (i refuse to give up on tat first push.. Think of the pain i still need to carry on if i let go tat push.. Phew)

Started bf in the suit.. Was then push to The Lady ward 324 after an hr..

I notice i got problem passing urine tat nite.. N a tube was insert to me to let out urine.. Guess i reali push too hard le.. Hehe..



  1. sorry, i cant help but laugh when i read your hubby fan you! haha!!! but congrats! so happy for u !!! :)

  2. wah claudia really peifu u leh.. 1 push then out le, my cousin push till she no energy & sleepy hahahaa.. hope can be like u, must teach me ur method hahaaa

  3. wow tats fast leh. U nv put the epidural. So brave lor :)

  4. Congrats Claudia :) very brave hehehe..
    baby shawn very cute :P

  5. Congrats! Congrats! Really very admirable that you din use epidural at all wor! Baby Shawn is very handsome! :)

  6. heehee ya man no epi so good .... but i sweat alot that day b4 epi ...sweat like nobody business haha

    CONGRATS! welcome to the motherhood life :)

  7. Congrats on having such an adorable baby! i'm giving birth soon haha, searching for birth stories and came across ur blog. I understand that we'll be given something to clear bowel. How is the procedure like and how long does it take effect? You can also add me to MSN -
