Sunday 2 March 2008

Will these b my last wkend... walkin ard with my big tummy???

I wonder will this b the last wkend i get to walk abt... with BB Shawn in me??? Let jus c...

Was told by mil tat we might need another fitting sheet.. hence we went down to AMK centre to get another sheet.. n had our breakfast cum lunch there.. we reach AMK quite early.. ard 9plus.. got a good parkin lots.. n decided to shop a while...

went AMK Hub... hubby saw the HelloShop.. all the while wanted to get me a new HP... n he reali got it tdy... (N we r now few hundred $$ poorer lol) ... we decided on N82.. since we like to have a phone with good Cam... so this is wat suits us..

I suggested hubby to use the new phone while i use his Sony Erison.. but he insist i use this phone.. n he will get himself another one when his contract ended... i jus dun feel the need to own a new phone at the time being.. since i will b goin to b 'jail' at home for at least a mth.. wats the need for hp?? he say i can use it to take lots of bb pic then... ok!!!

hubby goin into his new position on tue.. i know he is quite worry n nervous.. wondering if he can adapt to the new environment.. new dept.. new ppl.. but i believe he can do it.. after all.. he is my Mr Nice guy lol... not a problem mixin ard de.. (Dear ... ah yen supportin u here.. dun worri k)

Little shawn bein very active these two days.. after tat 'false alarm'... (i suppose) ... esp now.. movin.. n i can feel the contraction movin on.. i wonder can he wait til i sign on the HDB docu tml... then decide to pop after... can ba??? since no 'show' n water bag burst yet... thk he still can tahan...

Will b goin to c Dr Adrain tml afternoon.. if i can make it after the HDB appointment... else will c him on tue... jus like to find out from him.. wat happen on friday... y i got such strong contraction out of sudden... yet i haven pop leh?? is tat wat we call false alarm???


1 comment:

  1. wow time passes so fast.. my baby is 6th months now and without knowing you are in labour soon! glad to catch up with you here dear! i hope and wish that bith mummy will be in safe and speedy labour!

    can't wait to see your baby soon! take care for now and all the best babe!!

    Hugss from Mommie Siti & baby Ilhan
