Tuesday 11 March 2008

Wonder how long will Shawn take to arrive?

Went to see Dr Adrian jus now... tdy is the first n only time hubby didn make it to our last visit..

I took LRT to meet Hubby at Compasspoint. But bcos of the accident at Loyang area, the messy jam, Bus delay.. Hubby cant make it to accompany me to see Dr Adrian. I insist to wait for him at first. Cos i reali scare doc will wan me to make some decision which i hope hubby can b ard to decide oso. But after so long waiting, he ask me to go ahead first. He reali duno how long will he take.

I went in myself. Told doc abt my concern tat my tummy alway so hard n sometime i hardly feel baby moving. Reali duno whether has bb movement reduce or wat.. He ask me bb got move at least 10 time per day. i didn reali go n count how many time bb move per day. Tats y i wori ba. Then doc do a scan on baby. He say my water lvl good. I ask him abt bb arrival date. He say most like b4 EDD. Then i highlight to him abt his suggestion on inducing on my last visit. He somehow still advice on admitin to hospital n have my water bag burst to increase my contraction n give birth. So he ask me to admit TOMORROW!!! Morning 8.30 - 9am meet me at MtA.

He ask me whether M i ready?? i didn ans him, Jus smile back. I reali duno m i ready to handle the pain tat i m expecting.

Told hubby abt it. He was very encouragin. Keep tellin me dun wori, he will b beside me all the way.. tell me to relax etc etc..

So tonite will b last nite with bb Shawn in me le.. Tml will b a big day for us. I will b promoted to someone's Mummy n Seng will b someone's Daddy. N we will b meetin our son. I will bravely face the challenge tml. Jus for our son!!!

BB Shawn: Pls dun give mummy a hard time tml k. I will do my best to bring u into the world.


  1. Very excited for you and pray you will have a smooth delivery! :)

  2. thks.. i oso hope it will b short n smooth... Pray Hard Hard!!

  3. hope u have a smooth delivery, ll pray hard for you!!

  4. congrat, ur gynae Dr adrian woodworth?
