Tuesday 25 March 2008

My days with Shawn

i decided to skip my afternoon nap with Shawn n start to update my blog.. esp load those pic into com...

Baby Shawn is 14days old le.. Jaundice is still there but gettin better i thk.. I start on my massage since last wk.. decide to go for 5 sessions will do.. (Tryin to save $$$ .. Hehe..) enjoy the massage expect for the oil tat i got to endure... jus felt so oily after the session..

These nites, Shawn is gettin better le.. at least i still manage to sleep at nite.. by keep him to sleep by my side.. n when ever he starts to cry.. i will pop in to breastfeed him.. hence.. i lost count of the timin i m feedin him at nite le.. hehehe.. ( wonder m i doin the rite thing ah??? )

I m still tryin to monitor his feeding time.. hopin to come out with a fixed timin to feed him.. but somehow not easy lol.. i can feel tat his needs for more milk is increasing le.. i jus hope i can meet his need.. cos i reali dun wan to use FM.. ( Any experience mummy can advice??)

Confinement can nvr b enjoyable ba.. i guess.. at least for myself la.. but i still break the rule n start bathin usin the herb water la.. n if u r eating the same dish everyday.. will tat make life even worst.. hahaha!!! tats wat happenin to me now  but i jus keep tellin myself.. jus take this as a diet meal lol.. help me to loss as much weight as possible ba..

B4 i went into the delivery suit.. i got my weight taken.. 70.5kg.. nearly fainted.. hahaha.. i nvr tot i will hit 70 lol.. but no choice le.. til today.. i jus weight myself.. i m 59kg le.. i have 6 more kg to loss to get back my pre preg weight le..

went to c gynae yty .. n took tat opportunity to shop a bit la.. bought a waist trimmer belt from watson.. @ only $7.90.. hehe.. hope tat works for me.. i use to wear tat n go joggin de.. n it reali make me sweat.. so after my confinement.. i plan to do tat again.. keke.. hopin to loss as much weight as possible ba...

so much to write.. tot i can update my daily life durin confinement... on Shawn growth.. but reali hardly have time to log on these days le... still tryin hard to b a good mummy of Shawn ...



  1. heehee ya lah during confinement i oso no time to write blog .... u bath with herbs .... me is bath everyday without herbs ha ha ha ... i the same as u loh eat same food till i depression of food ahahah ... is really a diet meal for me ..... guess not for u lah cos u still eat rite ... for me i dun i skip meals haha cos i am sick of the food ha ha .... u have CL?

  2. gosh, theresa... so bad ah?

    claudia, i guess really no time to blog while confinement loh. Cos will be tired wor. I think food wise I am lucky, my MIL is a super gd cook so no worries that she will cook same food. I am more worried i will put on more weight with the gd food wor. LOL! U better take care oso and do catch your much needed rest.

  3. Jo ya loh .... my xin suan shi hahahaha ...

    agree with Jo do rest more ..... :)

  4. Hi Claudia, is it possible to let me have the contact number of your malay massage lady? Thanks.

  5. Sure.. she is anuty siti.. her no. 91378696.. very nice lady.. but she cant speak proper english.. still can understand her broken english ah.. so dun worry..

  6. may i know do you still remember her price for the massage?

  7. aiyo.. price i cant rmb le.. so sorry..
