Sunday 2 March 2008


i jus come back from gynae check up. My appointment was suppose to b tml. But since i m on leave tdy n due to Fri incident, we decided to c him today.

Baby Shawn is 3245g @ current 37wk 5d... n i m 2cm diluted.. Doctor said since i m having the contraction now.. which is sign of early labour.. i can admit to hospital anytime.. get induce n give birth le... If i reali cant taken the disturbing contraction now... can go in anytime if i wan... i was a bit scared.. First ques i ask was... 'Must i go in NOW??? Can i still wait???" Luckly dr say bb is still doing fine in my tummy.. if i wana wait.. oso can.. all up to me to decide...

Of cos i wan to c bb Shawn ... but i oso hope to let thing happen naturally... dun need to induce... unless the pain reali get unbearable.. mayb i will go in ba...

N partly oso due to Hubby movin to new dept ma.. not nice to take leave b4 reporting to work rite.. at least let him settle down... then take block leave..

Another issue... i m tested positive for the GBS... a bit disappointed at first.. but luckly i ask abt the test n chose to take the test... else.. duno will bb kana... but Dr reali give me confident tat bb wont get affected... tell me jus take the antibiotic n we will b fine.. somehow.. i jus trust him.. n dun reali wori abt this...



  1. aiyo cladi.. pls take care. if u dun wan deliver so early, then rest well.

  2. Don't worry, rest more so that u can handle it when time come, just let him come naturally. If yr baby more than 4 kg (after scan on 39 weeks), then u may consider induce (advice from my gynea).

  3. 4kg???? not too big meh.. sound so big to me wo..

  4. i also think 4kg is very big... for natural birth...

  5. my baby is 4 kg (scanning) when he is 39 weeks. I choose induce cos I prefer natural birth, if wait until 40 weeks, I will need c-sec. Finally my baby by c-sec cos cord round neck. Do u online in msn/yahoo msg, may be we can chat online? Take care

  6. hmmm... if u wish to deliver natural, then perhaps onli admit into hospital when the contractions are much worse. u nv noe the dilation might be more in this few days. hang in there mtb! :)

  7. me oso strep b , anti biotice will help :)

  8. i was worri when i heard tat i m positive.. but when dr told me tat antibotic will helps.. somehow.. i trust him.. n jus take it lightly le..
