Sunday 9 March 2008

I m still on the waiting list!!

O Ya!! i m still waiting here.. still on the waiting list..

tot doc say i might pop anytime le.. yet y m i still here.. is it becos.. bb's daddy ask bb to wait... cos he dun wan to take long leave so soon.. he jus move to new dept..

I ask Shawn's daddy is he ready le.. can bb pop le.. he tell bb..can le.. So... i wonder will bb reali listen to Daddy words n come out to c us this wk??

Then i ask myself.. M i reali for the "PAIN"??? i start to forget how the pain was reali like le.. mayb i m not as weak as i tot... I can take it de rite... YES!! for BB Shawn.. i believe i can de.. since everyone else can.. Y cant i?? (He He... Acting brave ah... ke ke!!)