Wednesday 29 April 2009

The Toddler (1-2 years old)

Found this from a website.. find it helpful .. jus to share..

During this time, your child is becoming increasingly more mobile, and aware of herself and her surroundings. Her desire to explore new objects and people is also increasing. During this stage, your toddler will show greater independence, begin to show defiant behavior, recognize herself in pictures or a mirror, and imitate the behavior of others, especially adults and older children. Your toddler will also be able to recognize names of familiar people and objects, form simple phrases and sentences, and follow simple instructions and directions.

Patterns of Development
unlimited energy
motor explorer
speech labeling
a short attention span
sensory motivated
solitary play
eats small meals
fussy appetite
starting a cup
eats finger foods independently plus beginning spoon
taking off simple clothing

Language Development
- Points to a few body parts when asked.
- Follows simple commands and understands simple questions ("Roll the ball," "Kiss the baby," "Where's your shoe?").
- Listens to simple stories, songs, and rhymes.
- Points to pictures in a book when named.
- Says more words every month.
- Uses some 1-2 word questions ("Where kitty?" "Go bye-bye?" "What's that?").
- Puts two words together ("more cookie," "no juice," "mommy book").
- Uses many different consonant sounds of the beginning of words

Physical Development

During these 12 months, a child will continue to put on inches as well as pounds, but not as quickly as before. In fact, she will probably only gain
3 to 5 pounds during the entire second year. Likewise, her head circumference will increase by only about an inch.

At twelve months a child probably still has all the characteristics of a baby -- a large, round face; short, pudgy arms and legs; and that trademark potbelly. As she becomes more active, this will change. Her newfound mobility will help develop muscle and trim away baby fat. Meanwhile, her arms and legs will gradually lengthen, her face will grow more angular and you'll begin to see definition at the jaw line.

When a toddler first learns to walk, it will be with slow unsteady steps -- and yes, some bumps and bruises along the way. But, by the end of this year, a toddler will not only be walking, but also running, jumping and climbing.

Social and Emotional Development

Over the next year, a toddler will become more and more convinced that she is the center of the universe. She has difficulty understanding that other people have wishes or desires different than her own.

A 1-year-old will begin to participate in simple make-believe games. Her play will mostly involve imitating adult actions such as feeding a doll, talking on the phone or shopping.

One-year-olds do not play together in the traditional sense. Instead they engage in what's called parallel play -- play in which two or more children monitor each other's actions, but do not interact directly. To the casual observer, associative play may not seem social at all. But watch carefully, you'll see that your child closely scrutinizes her playmate's moves and then tries to imitate them.

Even if a child is incapable of more mature social relationships, that doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy the company of her peers. You may not see cooperative play right away, but your child will grow more excited over the prospect of play dates with other children.

A 1-year-old is not developmentally capable of sharing. And this can make play dates a bit tricky. Pinching, grabbing and screeching are an inevitable part of toddler interactions. Children this age require close adult supervision.

Once your child learns to walk, his world expands exponentially. He now has the means to leave your side and explore on his own. This turn of events is both terrifying and exhilarating. And, as a result, you may find this child vacillating between periods of extreme neediness and extreme independence.

A 1-year-old is also hard at work developing a sense of self. Once he truly understands that you and he are separate people, he will begin to claim ownership of certain possessions. Words like "me," "my" and "mine" become common refrains.

A 1-year-old is also becoming more willful. If you tell him not to pull all his clothes out of the drawers, swat the dog or bang on the windows, he may not always comply. This is his way of asserting independence.

Along with a growing sense of self, comes fear of abandonment. Your child depends on you for strength and security. When you disappear, so may his self-confidence. And that's when separation anxiety tends to materialize. This normal developmental stage tends to wax and wane throughout the toddler years, but typically peaks at around 18 months.

- become aware of self
- identify self as an individual
- recognize familiar people and show fear to strangers
- experience and show shame
- recognize and explore faces
- are sensitive and "catch" feelings from adults
- develop a sense of trust in the world
- begin to mimic adult behavior

Typical Challenges

- touches everything
- defiance
- does not understand consequences of behavior
- moves quickly
- Separation Anxiety


- child proof room
- ensure you have eye contact
- use a firm voice
- use simple language
- redirect
- provide choices- supervise closely

Developmental Delay Warning Signs

These are areas to alert the family to possible developmental delays (Remember that each child develops at her own particular pace; contact your doctor for advice):
- Cannot walk by 18 months of age.
- Fails to develop a mature heel-toe walking pattern after several months of walking, or walks exclusively on her toes.
- Does not speak at least 15 words by 18 months of age.
- Does not use two-word sentences by age two.
- By 15 months of age does not know the function of common household objects (brush, telephone, bell, fork, and spoon).
- Does not imitate actions or words.
- Does not follow simple instructions by age two.
- Cannot push a wheeled toy by age two.

Ideas for Care Givers

- Ask her to find objects for you or name body parts and objects.
- Play matching games with your toddler.
- Encourage her to explore and try new things.
- Help to develop toddler's language by talking with her.
- Encourage toddler's curiosity and ability to recognize common objects by taking field trips together to the park or a bus ride.
- Talk to baby. It is soothing to hear your voice.
- Sing to child
- Play music for child. This helps baby develop a love for music and math.
- Read to child daily. This helps her develop and understand language and sounds.
- Praise child and give her lots of loving attention.
- Spend time cuddling and holding child. This helps her to feel cared for and secure.

Children of this age can appreciate a simple story, but also like looking at the pictures. Stick with board books that can better withstand a 1-year-olds not-so-gentle touch.

Emptying and filling
One-year-olds are fascinated by the prospect of emptying and filling containers. A milk jug holds a special allure for young explorers because the narrow neck stands in stark contrast to the spacious interior. Try putting small objects such as raisins, Goldfish crackers or Cheerios into the bottle and then let your toddler figure out how to pour them out.

Save your junk mail. It now serves a purpose. A toddler will love the challenge of pulling the inserts out of the envelopes and then trying to put them back in again.

Building a tower and then knocking it down is not only fun, it's educational. Placing one piece atop the next teaches kids about balance. And, of course, the demolition reinforces the concept of cause-and-effect.

A toddler doesn't have any concept of cubism, impressionism or even paint-by-numbers. But that doesn't mean he won't be thrilled by the prospect of putting pen to paper. Buy a large box of crayons, cover the floor in large sheets of paper and let the toddler experiment with various hand grips.

Tuesday 28 April 2009

Shawn's long eyelash

Many ppl comment abt shawn's Long eyelash.. was in the car tat day.. shawn was sleeping so soundly.. i took few pic of him.. haha.. focus on his lash.. yet is long... :)

Old days...

This is where i spend my Pri 1 to Pri 3... was waiting for my mum to knock off last sun.. happen to b there.. so decided to take some pic..

This is no longer the sch i use to b in le.. Ang Mo Kio North Pri Sch...

Duno wat is this build use as now..

Zen's Bday Bash on 25 Apr 2009

Done by Mummy

Didn took much pic.. due to the warm weather tat day.. reali bo mood to take pic.. busy following shawn ard.. he kicking balloon

shawn playing at court Part 2 (28 Apr 2009)

This session last us 45mins... shawn was so tired after that... reach home at 9pm.. he ask for Neh Neh at 9.30pm.. with 240ml milk... he slept til 5am this morning.. then wake up.. ask for Neh Neh... i gave him water instead.. delay til 6.30am.. he woke up again for Neh Neh... hahaha...

Shawn & Pepper

New skill shawn pick up.. which give us headache ah... Got to chase after shawn every now n then to to prevent him from.....

First time playin basketball at court

Jus got the basketball from my brother.. Daddy n Son.. playing at the court... The ball is jus too heavy for shawn.. but look at this stubbon boy.. chase after daddy for the ball...

Sunday 26 April 2009

Our Wkend.. with UP & DowN.. 26Apr2009 Sun

Woke up as usual… let shawn eat his cereal.. I was so blur… open a new can of wheat cereal for shawn.. n jus mix it with water.. without read the instruction.. then shawn refuse to eat it.. every mouth I feed him.. he will ‘push’ it out.. I try it myself.. ask hubby to try it.. thkin.. buy from Msia de.. aiyo.. must b something is wrong.. so I quickly mix the brown rice cereal for shawn to take..

when mil come back.. I told her abt it.. she look at the tin I bought from misa.. n compare to tat I buy from spore one.. everythin is the same.. I went to take a look at it… Then I notice.. ‘Add SUSU’… hahaha… no wonder shawn dun wan eat… I must add milk instead of water… tats y it was tasteless.. like glue.. so shawn is smart la.. haha

Bath shawn.. then pack his stuffs..(lunch cereal, milk, diaper, hot water etc).. then bring him out for our bf.. at AMK.. then head to Toyota & Honda at Ubi.. dear wan go take a look at Pinic, Wish, Stream.. n do some comparison..

Went to fatch my mum from work at 2pm.. shawn manage to catch some nap in the car..

Shawn was having fun at Wai Po place.. n hit his head 3 time.. no big bao.. jus too careless.. n fall here n there..

Left my mum place at 8.15pm.. Miss part of the show..

Our Wkend.. with UP & DowN..25Apr2009 SaT

MIL went out with FIL early in the morning.. so we decided to bring shawn out.. for bf n walk.. had our bf at achorvale.. then was thkin of goin Pasir Ris park to let shawn play at the playground.. but shawn fall aslp when he got on the car…

So dear decide to go Jurong Stadium to register for him Class 4 lesson/test instead… Manage to find tat place after goin round n round Chin Bee rd.. so Ulu place..

Reach home at abt 1.30pm.. let shawn take him lunch.. then try to make him slp… he fall aslp at the yao lan at living room.. while hubby was at the to him.. he tell him I go take a nap.. while he look after ( he keep telling me he wan to go wash his car… I ignore him.. n jus go to bed…)

Suddenly.. I heard shawn crying.. (tot I was dreamin… ) thkin dear is with shawn… but shawn cry non stop le.. like not rite… I rush out of bed.. n saw no one at the living room.. I was like %^&$@#$... I try to yao him to slp.. but he jus keep crying le.. I know he doesn have enough slp.. tats y got very fussy.. carry him out of the yaolan.. let him sit on the floor.. play his toys..etc.. jus keep cry for nothing…

Then my mil come out of her room… she doesn know wat happen.. I sms my hubby.. call him.. he didn pick the call… (I M ANGRY!!!)

He come back… he saw shawn crying.. wan come carry him.. I refuse.. tell him to get off..since he can jus leave shawn alone n got WASH HIS CAR.. (dun understand wats the big deal of washing a car rite.. he wash every wk.. at LEAST once le..hai) I scolded him.. we had a quarrelled.. so bad tat mil got to push him away from me into her room.. (our first time into such bad quarrel..) … I notice my mood seem like swaying a lot these days… (Could it becos ???? … haha …hummm)

I stop ‘shouting’ at my hubby then.. tryin to calm… I start to cry.. (Hummm.. another sign.. haha..).. hug on shawn n cry.. he was frighten by us.. oso crying badly le.. but I jus refuse to let my hubby to carry him.. even when shawn cry for pa pa…

when we calm down.. dear come to saying shawn.. n apologise to him.. say he sldn have left him alone.. everything is back to normal then… hahaha.. (tats me.. burst out like fast.. n calm down oso very fast de… hehe)

Went to my gf’s son, Zen, first bday.. at Aloha Loyang Seaview Terrence 3.. she invited quite a many of ppl.. when we reach at 7pm.. he had pick his future le.. (he took Orange..) tat place parking was mad hse.. so difficult to find a lot there.. hubby complain.. swear he wont wana go there again… he need to park his car til so far end.. n walk over.. lucky he let us drop at the entrance first.. took him 15 min to come over… tat resort was very warm.. cos bbq pit was jus outside the unit.. room got fans.. with no aircon..

Shawn was sweating.. but he still enjoy himself.. with Ivy’s two older kids.. kicking balloons.. n he burst two balloon.. without crying.. n carry on playing the 3rd balloon..

Zen, the bday boy, keep crying.. so poor thing.. he must b very uncomfortable.. with tat kind of outfit.. n the warm environment..

left tat place at 8pm.. cant stay any longer le.. I m sweating like mad… with only spaghetti strip.. still all wet.. n.. we didn eat much.. (the catering food wasn’t enough for all guest :P) hubby wana go eat something… shawn slpin time is at 9pm .. so we must reach home to clean him up first.. n let him rest then

Our Wkend.. with UP & DowN..24Apr2009 Friday

Dear n I decided to bring shawn out for a walk as usual.. after dinner.. we went to Tampine Giant.. to spend our evening shopping there..

On our way home.. shawn was tired le.. its him sleepin time liao.. but I try to disturb him.. dun let him slp in the car.. to prevent him from wake up b4 we reach home.. n will end up he wld only sleep after 10 – 11 pm..

When we reach home.. I can jus pop him a bottle of 240ml milk.. then he will jus slp after the milk..

Thursday 23 April 2009

2nd anniversary

Start:     Jun 30, '09
Married to my Man for two years le..

My turn to plan for this year... Wat sld i plan for tat day???

Zoo outing with Pals

Start:     May 16, '09 10:00a
End:     May 16, '09 1:00p
Planned an outing with some Online pals..

Look forward to tat :)

Dental check up

Start:     Jun 13, '09 09:30a
Jus had my dental check up in Mar.. was told i might have a wisdom tooth.. had make an appointment with Polyclinic for Xray.. n check up

@ hougang polyclinic

Shawn 15mth review cum Jab

Start:     Jun 13, '09 12:00a
@ The Kids Clinic.. Dr Lillian Lim

Sunday 19 April 2009

To Ponggol jetty - 17Apr 2009

Got no idea where to bring shawn .. so Dear suggested.. Ponggol Jetty.. to see ppl fishing.. as usual.. he will keep nag.. telling me.. he haven been fishing for some time le.. He wana go fishing etc..

Nice sun set..

Our "exciting" weekend - 18Apr & 19Apr 2009

18Apr2009 Sat

I have to go for lesson in the afternoon.. saw at the paper.. got Toys warehse sale.. went to grab some toys for shawn.. :) spend $140 for all the toys.. for shawn & DADDY.. ya.. is shawn's daddy.. he oso got himself 3 items..

Hubby was so excited over his new toys.. (jus like shawn..smiling all the way).. mil keep asking him.. the toy got write..toy mean for 30yo play one har... hahaha

19Apr 2008 Sun

First time taking Bus.. decided to bring shawn for bus ride.. back to Yishun for his hair cut.. i tot tat sld b easy.. til i use my pouch carrier.. carry a 10+kg boy.. plus me own bag.. holding abt 20kg n walk to the bus stop.. n under so hot sun.. Wa Lau.. ..

In the lift..

Walking to the bus stop.. look at shawn.. is so hot!!!

We reach bus stop le.. sweating ah

On bus 70.. meeting my mum at YCK..

Taking bus 852 to yishun le..

I make it.. haha.. bring shawn out to take a bus alone wo.. keke.. (proud of myself :P)

Bring shawn to cut his hair at chong pang.. then daddy come to fatch us home after his work.. he gettin noti.. cuting hair is no longer so easy le.. must distact him.. hold on his head..

then we rush home to get our stuffs to meet priscilla n Lena for a swim at achorvale..

Daddy inflating the float.. while shawn standing there.. waiting so excitedly..

Cos something block the front of the van.. dear scare the van might kana our car if he drive out without care.. so he ask me to take this pic.. haha..

Didnt have chance to take any pic during our swim.. sp nice to meet up with lena n her family.. this is our first time meeting up.. had plan our next trip to the Zoo.. look forward to that.. not forgetting Pris.. Like to see her giselle.. so independent..

Reach home at 7.30pm.. feed shawn his porridge.. then hubby n i went out for our dinner.. reach home and saw our darling face.. omg.. got hit on the floor..

My poor boy.. **Muack Muack **..

Thursday 16 April 2009

Its Friday...

At last its Friday le..

Bosses went holiday hence 'holiday' mood for the week.. but i got so many reports to rush out.. yet i m too relax.. til now.. is Fri liao.. yet i still got 2 reports not out yet.. SIAN

Hubby n i was in the process of TTC. But some how.. last nite.. i ask hubby.. does he reali hope we strike so soon ma?? Then we will miss the process le wo... (hahaha)... he jus reply.. jus see how la.. let nature take its course ba.. cant force thing de rite.. Okie.. i agreed too :)

For the whole wk, Shawn always wake up to drink milk at 3++am.. the highest record was on tue nite.. he drank 300ml at 9.30pm..180ml at 3.30am ..120ml at 6.30am.. which add up to 600ml for a nite.. wowow.. like a lot to me wo.. hubby always comment..cos shawn big boy liao ma.. so is normal he sld b drinking more milk le.. mayb he is rite ba..

I read somewhere.. "Sleep thro the Nite" mean the child can slp for 5-6hr w/o waking up.. from 9.30pm - 3.30am.. is abt 6hrs.. so does shawn consider sleep thro the nite le??? but tat still disturb my slp leh.. how i wish he can wake up at 6am rather then 3+am...

And my noti pepper.. when shawn start to make noise..cry for milk.. he will start to bark.. like trying to wake us up for shawn lol.. some how..Shawn n pepper become so buddy le.. shawn wld share his toys with pepper.. n pepper wld bring out his toy to let shawn kick ard for him to catch... but.. fat pepper got a bit rough n forget shawn is still so tiny.. he wld ran abt n knock onto shawn.. cos him to fall n sit down.. n shawn will tap his own chest.. tellin us he was scare... hahaha.. real cute lol.. yet shawn wont jus sit there.. he will stand up n continue to chase after pepper.. tats always wat happen in the evening every day... thanks to pepper for entertaining our active shawn every day lol..

Another 50+ days to my exam, Stress Ahhhh!!!! i regretted for taking 2 papers this time round. All theory papers.. n i cant find time to revise.. how?? i try to study after shawn slp at nite.. but jus an hour or so.. (better then nothing) ... i really hope to clear this round.. n once n for all.. dun wan any more 'half way there' le..

Hubby was very encouraging.. he know i need to study .. went to get me a table lamp.. when i got lesson.. he will make shawn sleep.. then when i got home.. i can rest le.. he is very supportive.. hope i can repay him will a PASS ba.. dun disappoint him ..


Monday 13 April 2009

Day N Nite shift... 11Apr onward

Real tiring wkend i had...

Mil was down with flu over the wkend.. she needs to rest.. so i got to look after shawn (100%).. she stay in her room all day to sleep..


Woke up at ard 7.45am.. play with shawn.. make cereal for him.. bath him.. let him take his morning nap..

I manage to read my note.. do some revision.. Seng went out to collect his medicine.. tabao bf for us...

Shawn woke up at 12pm.. i ate my lunch.. left him in the cot.. feed him his 'star' when he yell for mummum... feed him lunch after tat..

Left fernvale at 2pm.. to fatch my mum.. go to NTUC to buy some stuffs... reach yishun at 3.30pm.. make 240ml milk for shawn.. then he fall aslp after tat..

He woke up at 5.30pm.. bath him.. feed him dinner.. then i had my dinner..while my mum play with him..

Go back fernvale at 8pm.. try to delay shawn slpin time til..9.30pm.. give him milk.. but he didn fall aslp with his milk.. (bad sign...) will need to coax him to slp le..

he throw temper.. cry.. hit my lip n cos bleedin.. i got angry with hubby.. lock the bedroom... (haha!! thinkin bb cry he oso dun come in.. @#$^&*$%^) he knock at the door.. i give him his pillow.. ask him go bil room to slp (Since he keep saying he got flu..dun wan to pass to us.. wan to bil room to slp) to me.. he is like avoiding shawn.. dun wana look after him.. so angry..

he still come into the room with shawn milk bottle.. n he end up slpin on the floor mattress..

12 Apr2009

Hubby went to work tdy... i got to look after shawn again..

Shawn woke up last nite to cry.. (Dun ask me Y.. he jus cry for Nothing).. then went back to slp after abt 15min.. then woke up at 5.30am again.. i give him water to drink.. while i quickly go make his milk.. (Thkin to let hubby slp a while more..since he is goin to work later)

then shawn woke up at 8.15am.. as usual routine.. feed him cereal..bath him.. then let him slp at 10.30am.. n jus woke up at 11.30am..

He got not enough slp.. was so fussy for the whole day.. afternn nap..was oso only 45min..

He reali make me so tired.. insist wan everything in his way.. i refuse.. he cry.. i left him lying on the floor..outside the toliet to cry.. he reali jus sleep there n cry (*faint*)

then mil saw tat.. went to help him stand up.. he jus walk to me n ask for carry again... (is he trying to bully me???)

after dinner.. @7.30pm.. got to bring him to park..playground to let him play.. else how to delay til 9pm to let him slp.. let him play downstair.. easier for me.. he jus walk ard the playground.. hubby follow him.. i can relax a bit..

bring him back..8.30pm.. ask dear to entertain him til 9pm..

give him his bottle of milk at 9pm.. he fall aslp with 5min.. haha.. but still manage to make him finish his 240ml milk...

last nite.. he woke up once to cry.. for nothing.. hai... then 6am..woke up for milk...

dun understand y he alway wake up to cry for nothing de...hai.. not easy to b mummy lol

Long wkend .. 10 Apr 2009 Public holiday

Decided to go JB.. Meet up with my Brother n his gf (YT)at 10.30am.. had our bf at yishun.. then head to custom.. We park our car near the custom.. then too a bus in..

Was so crowded.. luckly YT is very experience.. keke.. lead us to cut Q.. n got onto the bus with in 20 min.. but we were jam in the traffic for 1 hr..

Reach there at 1.30pm.. went to check out the KTV.. fully book.. so disappointed.. so decided to catch a movie.. bought our ticket for 2.35pm show.. watch The Shinjuku incident.. had fast bite at the Marybrown.. then quickly went in for the show..

After the show.. heavy downpour outside.. but we still went out of city square to had our dinner at a nearby restaurant.. nothing yummy at tat restaurant..

Head back to city square to do some shopping b4 coming back to spore..

Luckly no jam when coming back.. left JB at abt 7pm.. reach home at 8.45pm..

Shawn was waiting for us to come home.. he was smiling at us once we got in..

Sunday 5 April 2009

Shawn start walking..FAST!!

Shawn start moving fast le.. he can walk without support now.. this video was taken on 21Mar.. wks ago de..

Take notice at his head when he hear daddy play tat hokkien song.. haha.. he will start to move his head n body when he hear 'sound'.. even when i stir the milk in the bottle..he got excited n start nob his head... so cute.. hehe

Saturday 4 April 2009

A lousy week.. from 1 Apr onward.. SWaY!!!

SWAY!!!  SWAY!!!  SWAY!!!

On 1 Apr i got to go to client ofc to start auditing.. Upon i reach there.. i receive a call from my MIL.. was so surprise..cos she normally dun call me.. she will call hubby to inform me any issue de...

She told me.. shawn feel hot.. like having fever le.. i ask her to give him some paracetamol.. n monitor him.. (was thinkin.. she must b too kancheong..shawn looks alrite when i leave home this morning ah..)

After lunch with bosses.. i call back home.. MIL told me.. fever like not getting better.. ask me how.. cos mil duno how to use the thermometer.. she keep asking me how.. i ask her to give another dose.. while i rush home...

When i reach home.. i was so shock.. to see mil carryin shawn in her arm.. shawn was lying down in her arm like a baby... (shawn hate tat position..) shawn was so soft..with no stenght at all.. eye was like half close.. face red.. i quickly take out the thermometer to take his measurement...  39.8degree... SO HIGH??? i tot thermometer spoilt.. take again.. still very high... i felt so bad... i sld have rush home tat morning...

Use wet towel n place on his forehead... clean his body... monitor him.. call up the PD.. was told doc will b in the clinic tat evening.. told hubby to come back fast after work.. will bring shawn to PD..

@ 6pm.. shawn look worst.. his fever is still at 39range... i carry him facing me.. he keep puting his head down on my chest.. n wans sleep... he jus wake up a while ago.. cant b tat tired... i decided to bring him straight to KKH.. in case he need any test..

reach KKh at 6.45pm... do our registration.. nurse check shawn .. 40degree... OMG!!!

He go straight to room 11.. doc check on him.. everything is fine..except his throat..very red.. doc force open to check his throat ..cos him to vomit.. he cry very badly.. doc give shawn a stronger medicine to bring down his temperature.. Ibuprofun.. n doc wana check on shawn urine.. nurse paste a bag on shawn pipi... then we waited outside..for him to pi...

shawn got vey fussy.. he dun like us use any wet towel to put on him.. not even touch his leg.. he keep crying... we jus keep feeding him water...

after 20min.. we bring him back to tat nurse to remove the bag.. n was ask to wait for 45min for the result...

Shawn n mil @ food court.. look at his eye..sick boy..poor thing...

we decide to go foodcourt for dinner first.. buy a bowl of porridge to share with shawn.. btw.. shawn miss his lunch aptitude.. n mil refuse to give him milk..thking milk heaty..*faint*.. when i reach home in the afternn.. i insist to give shawn at least 120ml of milk since he miss his lunch.. shawn was drinkin so fast.. must b very hungry le.. he was jus too weak to cry for food then...

The medicine works... shawn fever come down n he start to yell for mumum...i give him porridge.. he took almost 3/4 of my big bowl.. n ask for apple again..when he see apple at the fruit stall...

went back to see the test.. doc cfm..nothing wrong with his urine..AGAIN... doc comment is VIRAL INFLECTION... dun understd y viral inflection again.. where does wll these viral come from????

Collect his medicine then went back home.. shawn fever started to increase ... when 6hrs up from his last feed... at 1.30am.. then fever again shot up to 39degree... i quickly wake hubby up... ask him to prepare the ibuprofen.. let him take again...


i cant take leave.. got to go back to that client ofc to finish my work asap.. luckly hubby willing to stay at home to look after shawn.. he wasn confident with mil.. hahaha... scare tat she feed shawn wrong medicine... since shawn has to combin the use of the two fever medicine now...

keep calling back home to check.. luckly his high fever was gone...

my mum, brother n his gf come to our place.. jus to see tat shawn is fine.. shawn fever is still there.. but is better the wed le... i continue to give him paracetamol...

Hubby bring them out for dinner..while i stay at home to look after shawn... then hubby send them home...

My brother jus got his driving licence on wed.. hubby tot..jus got licence..surely loves to try drive le.. so ask my brother to take over the driving...

SWAY enough... they kana accident.. a Tibs bus hit onto my hubby car.. left front side..daned in..front wheel spoilt...

Come back home.. he got to change tyre at the carpark... i know how heartpain he is.. jus wash n polish his car in the morning.. then nite kana hit...

he cant slp well for the nite.. keep telling me..duno how to report the accident tml..


i decided to take a day leave to accompany him to tan chong... jus to make sure everything is fine..

went to fatch my brother to go together... he was very regretful.. but nothing we can do liao.. jus hope we can claim from the bus.. but we doubt...

cos is bus front hit our side.. according to the guy at tan chong.. hard to say.. they might denial their mistake.. then thing will need to bring to court liao.. might end up more $$

we got to pay the excess of $535 n hubby 30%NCD liao liao lol... @#$%^&*

Hubby is still driving the demage car now.. decided to go back to change the rented car on mon.. cos the 10day insurance cover rented car will start from Fri if we take it tat day.. while sat & sun tan chong dun do repair.. which mean 3 day wasted by leaving the car at their ofc.. not worth.. so we decide to exchg only on mon... hope it can b done asap...

SIAN AH!!!!...y so Sway!!!

After changing the tyre..rim all gone liao..spoilt liao..

Tyre.. GONE!!!

More pics..