Sunday 19 April 2009

Our "exciting" weekend - 18Apr & 19Apr 2009

18Apr2009 Sat

I have to go for lesson in the afternoon.. saw at the paper.. got Toys warehse sale.. went to grab some toys for shawn.. :) spend $140 for all the toys.. for shawn & DADDY.. ya.. is shawn's daddy.. he oso got himself 3 items..

Hubby was so excited over his new toys.. (jus like shawn..smiling all the way).. mil keep asking him.. the toy got write..toy mean for 30yo play one har... hahaha

19Apr 2008 Sun

First time taking Bus.. decided to bring shawn for bus ride.. back to Yishun for his hair cut.. i tot tat sld b easy.. til i use my pouch carrier.. carry a 10+kg boy.. plus me own bag.. holding abt 20kg n walk to the bus stop.. n under so hot sun.. Wa Lau.. ..

In the lift..

Walking to the bus stop.. look at shawn.. is so hot!!!

We reach bus stop le.. sweating ah

On bus 70.. meeting my mum at YCK..

Taking bus 852 to yishun le..

I make it.. haha.. bring shawn out to take a bus alone wo.. keke.. (proud of myself :P)

Bring shawn to cut his hair at chong pang.. then daddy come to fatch us home after his work.. he gettin noti.. cuting hair is no longer so easy le.. must distact him.. hold on his head..

then we rush home to get our stuffs to meet priscilla n Lena for a swim at achorvale..

Daddy inflating the float.. while shawn standing there.. waiting so excitedly..

Cos something block the front of the van.. dear scare the van might kana our car if he drive out without care.. so he ask me to take this pic.. haha..

Didnt have chance to take any pic during our swim.. sp nice to meet up with lena n her family.. this is our first time meeting up.. had plan our next trip to the Zoo.. look forward to that.. not forgetting Pris.. Like to see her giselle.. so independent..

Reach home at 7.30pm.. feed shawn his porridge.. then hubby n i went out for our dinner.. reach home and saw our darling face.. omg.. got hit on the floor..

My poor boy.. **Muack Muack **..


  1. in those blur look photos (cos under the sun) he and my gal resemble each other.....

  2. haha.. i some time call shawn ..mei mei.. then he will give me a blur blur look..with lots of ??? on his head... hahaha
