Sunday 26 April 2009

Our Wkend.. with UP & DowN.. 26Apr2009 Sun

Woke up as usual… let shawn eat his cereal.. I was so blur… open a new can of wheat cereal for shawn.. n jus mix it with water.. without read the instruction.. then shawn refuse to eat it.. every mouth I feed him.. he will ‘push’ it out.. I try it myself.. ask hubby to try it.. thkin.. buy from Msia de.. aiyo.. must b something is wrong.. so I quickly mix the brown rice cereal for shawn to take..

when mil come back.. I told her abt it.. she look at the tin I bought from misa.. n compare to tat I buy from spore one.. everythin is the same.. I went to take a look at it… Then I notice.. ‘Add SUSU’… hahaha… no wonder shawn dun wan eat… I must add milk instead of water… tats y it was tasteless.. like glue.. so shawn is smart la.. haha

Bath shawn.. then pack his stuffs..(lunch cereal, milk, diaper, hot water etc).. then bring him out for our bf.. at AMK.. then head to Toyota & Honda at Ubi.. dear wan go take a look at Pinic, Wish, Stream.. n do some comparison..

Went to fatch my mum from work at 2pm.. shawn manage to catch some nap in the car..

Shawn was having fun at Wai Po place.. n hit his head 3 time.. no big bao.. jus too careless.. n fall here n there..

Left my mum place at 8.15pm.. Miss part of the show..

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