Saturday 4 April 2009

A lousy week.. from 1 Apr onward.. SWaY!!!

SWAY!!!  SWAY!!!  SWAY!!!

On 1 Apr i got to go to client ofc to start auditing.. Upon i reach there.. i receive a call from my MIL.. was so surprise..cos she normally dun call me.. she will call hubby to inform me any issue de...

She told me.. shawn feel hot.. like having fever le.. i ask her to give him some paracetamol.. n monitor him.. (was thinkin.. she must b too kancheong..shawn looks alrite when i leave home this morning ah..)

After lunch with bosses.. i call back home.. MIL told me.. fever like not getting better.. ask me how.. cos mil duno how to use the thermometer.. she keep asking me how.. i ask her to give another dose.. while i rush home...

When i reach home.. i was so shock.. to see mil carryin shawn in her arm.. shawn was lying down in her arm like a baby... (shawn hate tat position..) shawn was so soft..with no stenght at all.. eye was like half close.. face red.. i quickly take out the thermometer to take his measurement...  39.8degree... SO HIGH??? i tot thermometer spoilt.. take again.. still very high... i felt so bad... i sld have rush home tat morning...

Use wet towel n place on his forehead... clean his body... monitor him.. call up the PD.. was told doc will b in the clinic tat evening.. told hubby to come back fast after work.. will bring shawn to PD..

@ 6pm.. shawn look worst.. his fever is still at 39range... i carry him facing me.. he keep puting his head down on my chest.. n wans sleep... he jus wake up a while ago.. cant b tat tired... i decided to bring him straight to KKH.. in case he need any test..

reach KKh at 6.45pm... do our registration.. nurse check shawn .. 40degree... OMG!!!

He go straight to room 11.. doc check on him.. everything is fine..except his throat..very red.. doc force open to check his throat ..cos him to vomit.. he cry very badly.. doc give shawn a stronger medicine to bring down his temperature.. Ibuprofun.. n doc wana check on shawn urine.. nurse paste a bag on shawn pipi... then we waited outside..for him to pi...

shawn got vey fussy.. he dun like us use any wet towel to put on him.. not even touch his leg.. he keep crying... we jus keep feeding him water...

after 20min.. we bring him back to tat nurse to remove the bag.. n was ask to wait for 45min for the result...

Shawn n mil @ food court.. look at his eye..sick boy..poor thing...

we decide to go foodcourt for dinner first.. buy a bowl of porridge to share with shawn.. btw.. shawn miss his lunch aptitude.. n mil refuse to give him milk..thking milk heaty..*faint*.. when i reach home in the afternn.. i insist to give shawn at least 120ml of milk since he miss his lunch.. shawn was drinkin so fast.. must b very hungry le.. he was jus too weak to cry for food then...

The medicine works... shawn fever come down n he start to yell for mumum...i give him porridge.. he took almost 3/4 of my big bowl.. n ask for apple again..when he see apple at the fruit stall...

went back to see the test.. doc cfm..nothing wrong with his urine..AGAIN... doc comment is VIRAL INFLECTION... dun understd y viral inflection again.. where does wll these viral come from????

Collect his medicine then went back home.. shawn fever started to increase ... when 6hrs up from his last feed... at 1.30am.. then fever again shot up to 39degree... i quickly wake hubby up... ask him to prepare the ibuprofen.. let him take again...


i cant take leave.. got to go back to that client ofc to finish my work asap.. luckly hubby willing to stay at home to look after shawn.. he wasn confident with mil.. hahaha... scare tat she feed shawn wrong medicine... since shawn has to combin the use of the two fever medicine now...

keep calling back home to check.. luckly his high fever was gone...

my mum, brother n his gf come to our place.. jus to see tat shawn is fine.. shawn fever is still there.. but is better the wed le... i continue to give him paracetamol...

Hubby bring them out for dinner..while i stay at home to look after shawn... then hubby send them home...

My brother jus got his driving licence on wed.. hubby tot..jus got licence..surely loves to try drive le.. so ask my brother to take over the driving...

SWAY enough... they kana accident.. a Tibs bus hit onto my hubby car.. left front side..daned in..front wheel spoilt...

Come back home.. he got to change tyre at the carpark... i know how heartpain he is.. jus wash n polish his car in the morning.. then nite kana hit...

he cant slp well for the nite.. keep telling me..duno how to report the accident tml..


i decided to take a day leave to accompany him to tan chong... jus to make sure everything is fine..

went to fatch my brother to go together... he was very regretful.. but nothing we can do liao.. jus hope we can claim from the bus.. but we doubt...

cos is bus front hit our side.. according to the guy at tan chong.. hard to say.. they might denial their mistake.. then thing will need to bring to court liao.. might end up more $$

we got to pay the excess of $535 n hubby 30%NCD liao liao lol... @#$%^&*

Hubby is still driving the demage car now.. decided to go back to change the rented car on mon.. cos the 10day insurance cover rented car will start from Fri if we take it tat day.. while sat & sun tan chong dun do repair.. which mean 3 day wasted by leaving the car at their ofc.. not worth.. so we decide to exchg only on mon... hope it can b done asap...

SIAN AH!!!!...y so Sway!!!

After changing the tyre..rim all gone liao..spoilt liao..

Tyre.. GONE!!!

More pics..


  1. Poor Shawn..hope he recovers fast

  2. how is shawn now? hope he is ok now..

  3. doc usu term sudden onset of fever as viral fever..i also not sure y..see whetherpancake can enlighten us

  4. hope shawn is ok now.

    btw, its best that all of you are safe and sound!

  5. shawn is better le.. no fever liao... but have cough n phlem again... I went EuYanSang to buy the Hou Ning Powder for him to take.. one small bottle cost $66 for two dose only.. but hope it works n can reali clear his phlem..

  6. let me noes if it is useful..i have never tried chinese med b4
